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Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=17119
Submitted by: Jurrell
Comments: 14  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 01-09-2003
View Stats Category: Off-topic


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1-09-2003 @ 07:06:21 PM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
Indeed it is.

1-09-2003 @ 07:19:42 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
Not pure obsidian - but it still exhibits the glossy face - the opaque - and the large conchoidal fracture that makes me love this rock.

next on the list is Quartz

[Edited by Obsidian on 1-09-2003 @ 07:20:47 PM]

1-09-2003 @ 07:21:50 PM
Posted By : solid_snake Reply | Edit | Del
[carl]I don't need instructions on how to rock![/carl]

1-09-2003 @ 07:22:53 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
#2, Looks like a burnt T-bone steak :-)

Most of the rocks around me are sedimentary, limestone, sandstone, and the metamorphic forms of them, slate, anthracite, etc. Nothing this exotic :(

1-09-2003 @ 07:23:11 PM
Posted By : comradesampo Reply | Edit | Del
#2, You a big geology fan?

1-09-2003 @ 07:24:06 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
#3, [homer] party ev-er-y day! [/homer]

1-09-2003 @ 07:24:41 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
#5, was - now i'm just a hanger-on.

1-09-2003 @ 07:25:58 PM
Posted By : solid_snake Reply | Edit | Del
#6, [master shake]Where are all the hot chicks?[/master shake]

1-09-2003 @ 07:26:17 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
I always thought it was neat that some rocks, like slate, will natrualy break off in thin sheets, no wonder they made blackboards from it

1-09-2003 @ 07:27:11 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
#8, [Carl] Okay, who's da dead guy who wrote "Da Moon Rules" on da Hood of my car???? [/Carl]

1-09-2003 @ 07:31:17 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
#9, breaks waaay to easy.

we have the bay which - from what i'm told - is loaded with pre-dino fosills worth $X to some museum somewhere. Sad part is that the tide rises constantly washing a potential "gold mine" away.

still - i'm stuck with mounds of granite here - the stuff that makes for great limb scraping fun!

1-09-2003 @ 10:15:14 PM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
I was goinging to do this

1-09-2003 @ 10:16:56 PM
Posted By : solid_snake Reply | Edit | Del
#10, the moon guys crack me up

5-03-2003 @ 08:22:14 AM
Posted By : AutobahnRacer Reply | Edit | Del
#13, Fnny peepz

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