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URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=90919
Submitted by: Adambomb
Comments: 24  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 06-16-2014
View Stats Category: Car


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6-16-2014 @ 10:07:30 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
This buck-toothed yokel needs a dentist, stat.

6-16-2014 @ 10:12:35 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del

6-17-2014 @ 02:34:40 AM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
What is it?

6-17-2014 @ 03:52:36 AM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#3, Don't make me give the engineer's response twice in 24 hours.

6-17-2014 @ 03:57:16 AM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
#4, it's a visual trick performed by fitting thousands of little pixels into an oddlong rectangle in hopes that it resembles a vehicle. If you see a car, the trick worked, and your eyes have been deceived.

6-17-2014 @ 04:22:38 AM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#5, Ceci n'est pas une pipe.

6-17-2014 @ 11:40:21 AM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
#6, I've never been a fan of dadaism. You can't render a work immune to critical analysis by preemptively declaring it pointless.

But seriously, I'd still like to know what the car is.

6-17-2014 @ 02:42:01 PM
Posted By : wannabemustangjockey  Reply | Edit | Del
#7, That.

6-17-2014 @ 02:43:31 PM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
#8, here I was guessing it was gonna be some manner of Kellison GT or something.

6-17-2014 @ 04:27:55 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
#7, Like any other movement, it's produced it's fair share of genuinely interesting work, but, like any other movement, those who take it too seriously can make you get a bit ill of being lectured on how, if you don't like a particular piece, then you just don't "GET" it, and how subversive/meaningful it is and are less of a person for being unable to feel the 4th dimension like they can.....

A guy who builds a pyramid of soup cans, whatever the message he intended, still has to concede on some level that it's a pyramid of soup cans, and, I can enjoy it for that if you used some really interesting cans.

[Edited by Low-Tech Redneck on 6-17-2014 @ 04:28:31 PM]

6-17-2014 @ 07:49:11 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
#8, Pretty interesting. I wonder what the actual production number of those bodies was.

6-17-2014 @ 08:39:27 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
#10, Art is anything that creates art - Obs.

I've learned to simply ignore the joyless hipsters who've forgotten how to laugh; who'll spend the best years of their lives trying to yell at you for not seeing things their way. They'll never tell me a thing about art or architecture that I can't figure out myself - AND I have a benefit of laughing at the shit as much as I can enjoy what makes an artwork beautiful.

6-17-2014 @ 10:32:33 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#10, That word... subversive... I hate that word. It's how people try to turn a personal or public failure into a make-believe triumph through a marketing-style buzzword.

The "art" you spent tons of effort on, but was still crap and ridiculed by everyone? Subversive.
The movie you shot that was an amateurish pile of garbage that no one went to see? Subversive.
Had a good life but then threw it away with drugs and other extremely poor decisions? Subversive.

6-17-2014 @ 10:39:37 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
#13, My fist going right into your mouth? Subversive!

I tend to run when I see the phrase "post modern" as well, because it usually means "garbage", and any artist described as "prolific" which is just a polite way of saying "professional misanthrope"

[Edited by Low-Tech Redneck on 6-17-2014 @ 10:42:36 PM]

6-17-2014 @ 11:03:54 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
#14, Really, "post-anything" is crap....since it exists only in reaction to the "anything." It just means "I'm trying hard to create something that isn't this other thing that's popular."

6-18-2014 @ 06:29:16 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
#15, Yep! "Post-modernism" assumes that modernity has finished and that we're all sitting about patiently waiting for the next big thing to come along - so much so that we've given the waiting period a name.

I get the opposite from Catholics who assert that the modernity sitcom is over and the bus that takes us back to the 1500's will be departing in next few years - so you better brush up on your Latin.

6-18-2014 @ 08:43:27 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
#16, While we're on the subject of futurism, I'd also like to point out that just happening to be right (amongst many errors) when you predict the future doesn't make you a "visionary". It means your blind squirrel just found a nut.

I'm not impressed with the work of William Gibson, he did not "invent" the internet, no matter how hard his fanboys try to credit it to him, and George Orwell was not writing a warning about the perils of easy surveillance technology being abused by governments to strip civil rights in 1984, he was writing a scathing indictment of totalitarianism as inherently brutal, pointless and ultimately UNFEASABLE as a political movement the same way Animal Farm was an indictment of modern Communism betraying "true" socialists. He wasn't arguing that red light cameras nor Google street view were the first inevitable step towards the end of human freedom, so people who cite him while railing against such things are only showing their ignorance.

6-18-2014 @ 09:35:43 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
#17, Can you boil your post down into 20 or less words - each with no more than 2 syllables - and post it on infowars?

I once 'suffered' from the same predictive vision that blurred my judgement - and for a while I once thought the world would mirror my experiences and understanding with a delay between 1 to 5 years. Of course - I never noticed the completely fucking off-target "predictions" that I never had foresight to consider - and the handful events that mirrored my expectations were trumpeted as a self satisfyingly pat-on-the-back followed by many "I told you so".

Mercifully - my cumulative understanding of the universe doesn't hang grasping at thin and flimsy strings of information hoping for some kind of inside track knowledge just for the vicarious thrill of social superiority and a plump semi - no matter how much I want to think I can see where the world is headed. Brian Eno gave me that much insight: "It's almost impossible to know which grain of sand is going to start an avalanche."

[Edited by Obsidian on 6-18-2014 @ 09:39:30 PM]

6-18-2014 @ 09:52:01 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
#18, There's no point in arguing with malignant conspiracy theorists like the kind that inhabit infowars, they're fun to poke with a stick now and then to see what kind of insane ramblings you can make them go on, but ultimately, they're impervious to logic and cannot be honestly reasoned with.

I used to think conspiracy believers were just a case of not knowing the facts, but I've since learned it's a hard-set worldview where everything is evidence that they're right, including, and perhaps most importantly, the LACK OF EVIDENCE that they're right is the ULTIMATE PROOF they're right.

You'd think the saturation of recording devices from CCTV cameras to cellphone cameras would sink the belief in UFO's/Bigfoot as it's now easier than ever to get some good footage of one should it exist, yet, there's even FEWER pictures of such things nowadays as were touted back in the days when you had to run for the 35mm camera and hope it had film when something interesting happened....

6-19-2014 @ 11:14:57 AM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
#19, I haven't noticed a reduction in the number of alleged cryptid/UFO photos, just a reduction in the amount of attention they bring.

Of course, I'm not counting the occasional viral Facebook post claiming that a fox or raccoon with severe mange is a chupacabra.

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