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Comments: 4 (Read/Post) Favorites: 0 (View) |
on: 08-01-2008
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#2 |
8-01-2008 @ 12:30:48 PM |
Posted By : thirtyseven |
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Hey don't comment on my pics unless you want me feeling like I actually contribute something around here. |
#3 |
8-01-2008 @ 01:15:16 PM |
Posted By : DiRF |
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Adambomb is exceedingly annoying with his bullshit randomness and attention-whore-edness.
rrb has been annoying in the past with his untruthfulness and general denseness (but not so much so in recent memory.)
Altima sometimes becomes an Adambomb-wannabe, and does similar annoying things.
None of them have ever been muzzled, nor are they likely to be muzzled. I don't find you as annoying as them. I find you to be a very prolific, contributing member of this site... most of the time.
Then there are times when you do something that none of them do. You repeatedly, vindictively go out of your way to attack, ridicule, and generally intentionally try to draw a negative response out of a specific member, me.
The reason? Well, I'm not you, so I can only guess. Could it be because I have a history of having a short-fuse, and you know that most likely you'll be able to prod a reaction out of me for your own entertainment? Possibly. But I think it's mainly because I'm a moderator. I'm an authority figure that you don't think very highly of. So you lash out.
I don't know why. Maybe you get your jollies from it, maybe it's the only way you can think of to alleviate boredom. Maybe you actually do like getting attention in the form of negative reactions and muzzlings. Who knows.
You also have a history here of making a lot of noise and drama about supposed mod abuse in regards to matters that don't concern you, nor that you fully understand. So maybe you have a problem with authority in general, and since I'm a person of pseudo-authority that is easy to attack, you take that opportunity.
Want to attack me? Fine. You will get a reaction. You're under the consequences of that reaction right now, and will be for the foreseeable future. You may have the muzzle removed eventually, depending on how you act. It may become permanent muzzle, or even worse. It's all up to you.
In conclusion, if you don't like what has taken place in the past few days and still wish to bitch about it, then you can politely fucking leave. |
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