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Car: 41846   By: DiRF   Comment: "Gesundheit...."
Car: 98824   By: ricerocketboy   Comment: "Yes. I may be biased, but I think that was a good ..."
Car: 98824   By: DiRF   Comment: "The mid 2000's through the late 2010's were really..."
Car: 92774   By: ricerocketboy   Comment: "I was shocked that I saw quilted leather in a Sent..."
Car: 92774   By: DiRF   Comment: "A co-woker has a 2020/2021 Sentra (I can't remembe..."
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Final Stats:

Total Votes 78
Average Score 7.51
Verdict Rice
Battles 102
Wins 37
Losses 65

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=35061 Submitted by: ftw rice
Comments: 4  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View) Submitted on: 08-29-2004
View Stats Category: Car
By mounting the bookshelf spoiler to the factory spoiler, this ricer gets his front wheel drive downforce multiplied!

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Server time: Friday, September 20, 2024 09:30:13 PM

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