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Car: 61306   By: DiRF   Comment: "Per the latest Drivetribe videos, Richard still ha..."
Car: 94965   By: Skid   Comment: "G-body Cutlasses were typically offered in two tri..."
Car: 94965   By: DiRF   Comment: "What advantages does this motorcar have over, say,..."
Car: 94965   By: ricerocketboy   Comment: "What's the difference between these and Salon, and..."
Car: 98781   By: DiRF   Comment: "Yeah, Ford Laser Lynx...."
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Total Votes 30
Average Score 3.93
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URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=54991 Submitted by: 427 Vette
Comments: 2  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 2  (View) Submitted on: 08-21-2006
View Stats Category: Car
Turbo 350Z

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