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URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=97233
Submitted by: DiRF
Comments: 30  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 09-08-2019
View Stats Category: Vehicle Group
Just a photo of a Mazda CX-3 and a 2015 Fiat 500c. That's all.


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9-13-2021 @ 04:25:49 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
#20, That interior is very underwhelming.

11-04-2022 @ 11:37:18 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
Well, this baby is all paid off now... and it's essentially sitting in storage. Driving the BMW almost exclusively now.

11-05-2022 @ 02:40:52 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
#22, "Da baby is all paid off, boss!"

"Good work there, Rocky, so, what'd he have to say?"

"Goo goo gaa gaa"

"We paid a million dollar bribe for THAT, why?!"

"Well, you was pretty drunk that night, Boss, and we didn't wants ta upset ya"

11-08-2022 @ 08:07:44 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#22, Fucking jinxed myself. Swapped cars, as riding out a hurricane is not a job for a convertible. Will be evacuating further inland later this week.

2-24-2023 @ 06:49:22 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
The "JIGEN" plate made more sense when it was on a Fiat, so I've got a new plate for this (along with an accompanying plate for the bike)


3-16-2024 @ 09:43:15 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
CX-3 joined me on an adventure the past two days. http://photo.ricecop.com/pics/cx3sebring.jpg

5-20-2024 @ 11:40:34 AM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
CX-3 Goes to NASCAR Country


5-21-2024 @ 09:28:01 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#27, That road trip actually went better than I had hoped. I got to see everything I wanted to, and having my own car with me saved me on both rental fees and airfare. Doing 8+ hours on the road isn't as daunting as I first thought. The CX-3 is a solid little highway cruiser.

Helped that I've been building music playlists on my Amazon MP3 account for over a decade, so I just put on my Country playlist, which times out at just over seven hours, and that made the trip feel so much quicker.

...already formulating in my brain another potential road trip... thinking Atlanta -> Talladega -> Nashville... or I may just hop on the Amtrak Autotrain up to D.C...

9-28-2024 @ 01:28:09 AM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
Welp, next road trip being planned... ten months out... and it'll be North Carolina again.

Why? Because for only the second time in 20 years, Weird Al's tour won't stop in Melbourne, Florida. His tour's Charlotte stop lines up perfectly for when it'd be optimum for me to take a week off work, and it's very likely the Nascar Hall of Fame will have another live race viewing party in their theater. (That was one of the biggest highlights of my first trip)...

...and both my mother and boss have damn near twisted my arm to convince me to visit Asheville, so that'll be part of the trip, as well. Might even try to squeeze in a day or two in Atlanta... but that may be asking too much for just one week.

All that aside, I've got 10 months to plan the trip, aside from the concert and race viewing party. Looking forward to it.

9-28-2024 @ 01:33:02 AM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
...and I just realized, my five year mark with this car passed by earlier this month. That now makes it the longest I've ever owned a four-wheeled vehicle. (I owned the Honda VTX for just over 8½ years)

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