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Final Stats:

Total Votes 22
Average Score 7.00
Verdict Rice

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=7136
Submitted by: Skid
Comments: 6  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 06-26-2002
View Stats Category: Other Vehicle
Here's one way to royally screw up a '56 Pontac....


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6-26-2002 @ 09:49:27 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
Darn, that's just wrong, unless it was done in like 1970 when this thing was ready for the junkyard but not yet a collectors piece

6-26-2002 @ 10:05:00 PM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
come to think of it wasn't there a company that made rvs out of cars in the 50s and 60s?

6-26-2002 @ 10:06:22 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
I don't think the whole RV thing caught on untill the early 60's, prior to that, if you wanted to do somthing like RVing, you towed one of those bubbly airflow trailers or somthing

11-07-2002 @ 12:12:25 AM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
looks like that 50s cadillac I submitted

1-19-2003 @ 12:54:32 PM
Posted By : AutobahnRacer Reply | Edit | Del

2-07-2003 @ 07:43:15 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
Judging by the shape of the roof and the length of the wheelbase, this probably used to be an ambulance. Pity, '50s ambulances bring in a lot of money these days.

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