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Final Stats:

Total Votes 1
Average Score 1.00
Verdict Good

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=34076
Submitted by: DiRF
Comments: 7  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 07-19-2004
View Stats Category: Photoshop/Art
Pretty badly thrown together guess as to what the 2005 Dodge Charger NASCAR racecar will look like... but hey, better than nothing.


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7-19-2004 @ 02:16:18 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
Actually, this just started out as a CGI Monte Carlo...which someone photoshopped on the nose from the Charger concept from a few years ago.

7-19-2004 @ 11:59:21 PM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
Motion to put the GTO, Camry, and Accord in NASCAR

7-20-2004 @ 12:00:15 AM
Posted By : Bling24 Reply | Edit | Del
#2, no alty luv?

7-20-2004 @ 12:03:05 AM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
In NASCAR's case, Maxima

7-20-2004 @ 12:13:22 AM
Posted By : Paganknights Reply | Edit | Del
looks like a Dodge Intrepid with downs syndrome

7-20-2004 @ 12:17:05 AM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del

7-20-2004 @ 10:38:50 AM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#2, GTO's not eligible. Not built in America, so NASCAR can't allow it in competition. (Rules that NASCAR has had for a LOOOONG time) Camry, I know, is built in America, so that's eligible, and the Camry WILL be in Cup competition by 2007 (most rumors point to that)
...the Accord, I dunno if it's still built in America, and Honda is currently dominating and pouring money into IRL, so I'm not so sure they're ready to invest the necessary funds to succeed in NASCAR right now.

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