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Final Stats:

Total Votes 6
Average Score 7.00
Verdict Bad

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=36539
Submitted by: Adambomb
Comments: 157  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 1  (View)
Submitted on: 11-01-2004
View Stats Category: Off-topic


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11-07-2004 @ 01:19:12 AM
Posted By : MxCx Reply | Edit | Del
#75, Actually no, I really wouldnt be saying everything youre saying if Kerry was pres. But Im sure there would be a lot of gloating on the part of the left.

11-07-2004 @ 01:26:27 AM
Posted By : camino83 Reply | Edit | Del
#80, Europe is expensive out the ass because of taxes, not actual price of crude oil.

11-07-2004 @ 02:00:08 AM
Posted By : DOMEZTIK Reply | Edit | Del
#82, True........but I love to drive, so I am glad I don't live there!

11-07-2004 @ 02:09:49 AM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
#75, Yeah, I"d be saying, "Gee, that's too bad, oh well, better get on with my life"

Not exploding in anger on internet message boards time and time and time again.........

#66, wow, you are a complete moron, you give not concrete examples of exactly HOW Bush has screwed up or changed the Constitution, you just state it as fact.

GIve me concrete examples of exactly WHAT right I have lost under the Patriot Act, what can't I do today that I could do 4 years ago? Otherwise, you're just ranting and raving. Same with the gay marraige crap, exactly what law has Bush passed to discriminate against gays? Nothing, in fact, gay marriage was shot down in every state it was proposed by popular vote, not edict of the Feds.

As for jobs and gas/healthcare prices, that's not the governments responsiblity to set the cost of things, this isn't a socialist economy, it's a free one, and unless you WORK for the Federal GOvernment, how is it the President's job to give YOU a job?

11-07-2004 @ 02:11:16 AM
Posted By : dNiym Reply | Edit | Del
Well it's some sort of retarded trend that we seem to have with rebuilding countries we blow to smitherines. When we droped the atomic bomb on Japan did we leave them in ruins? No we rebuilt them even tho they attacked US. We wouldn't have taken Iraq's oil anyways even if the had boatloads; it was decreed from the get go that the objective was to liberate them not invade take over and use their oil. I agree it sucks ass that gas prices are so high, however it isn't the president's fault that people jack up the prices to pad their pockets because the government will pay whatever they have to to get the fuel and supplies they need. Not that I am trying to defend Bush but put blame where it needs to be rather than just on one person.

11-07-2004 @ 02:16:51 AM
Posted By : dNiym Reply | Edit | Del
Traditionally it's democrats who raise taxes, for someone who lives off overtime I don't see how possibly you could even be a democrat, more taxes on your paycheck = less money and even more work to get by. Same with gas prices, it's taxes that drive them up not so much the price of oil. I don't think any new gas taxes have been set since Bush came into office, but the price has gone way up. Your blame and rants should be directed at the big oil companies who are charging the government more for fuel just because of the war.

11-07-2004 @ 02:25:01 AM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
#85, Actualy, the historical trend is that when we go into a country and rebuild it with a free economy and a democratic governement, they don't come back to attack us later, we rebuilt Japan, Germany, Italy and dozens of other countries after WWII and the result is they've been our allies ever since. Name me one coutnry we've rebuilt after defeat in a war that came back to try and attack us again... you can't

I also find it incredilby condescending the way a lot of pro-Kerry folks have been yelling "YOUR ALL DUMB!!!" to 52% of the voting public, as if to say "Why did you re-elect someone who's doing a bad job?!"

Obvioulsy, they don't think he is, but you just can't accept that people can have different political views than you, to disagree with you is cognative dissonance, a sign of mental sickness, stupidity, that's what really irks me

11-07-2004 @ 02:38:54 AM
Posted By : DOMEZTIK Reply | Edit | Del
#85, I guess the problem really isn't that we pay high prices. Its the fact that at the same time we are paying those high prices, instead of using the money Washington gets off those prices for our own country, we turn around and spend it to subsidize a country we are fighting. History does show that we rebuild a country that we are at war with, but that is only because its in some policy signed ages ago. Why can't we rebuild since we have to, but then if we really feel the need to hand people our money, let it be our allies that aren't doing so great. If we destroy Iraq, we can rebuild. But I'm sick of buying their luxuries.

11-07-2004 @ 03:10:08 AM
Posted By : Mathias Reply | Edit | Del
Many of your comments are rather funny and since its 2am and im a little....altered...I don't care to enlighten you. Of course you haven't seen what the patriot act does to you unless you get in a bad position with the law. They are able to take advantage of you and do many things that trample the rights you used to have when there was no patriot act, right now it isn't completely insane but the power that could be gained from the use of such an act is sickening. If you seriously want to know about it then go read up about it, i'm not going to sit here and explain it to you. It's funny that people just point at me and say your wrong about this and your wrong about that, prove this and prove that, because that just shows that they don't know. If you did know you'd be defending that statement instead of calling it wrong, which is what will happen when you read up on it. Then you'll say "well it isn't all that bad" or "it wasn't bush's fault".

11-07-2004 @ 03:15:41 AM
Posted By : Mathias Reply | Edit | Del
If you want reasons and explanations then whip out google and go to town, you'll learn the facts if you don't go to politically motivated sites that are complete BS. I really love that someone said the gas prices and all that aren't bush's fault, and the statement that you can support a family off of $13 an hour made me laugh so hard. My mother is making....40 grand a year I think, and that's not enough. Three kids and one's in college, two cars, lot rent, house payment, homeowners insurance, car insurance, car payments, gas, food, electricity, blah blah the list goes on. Paying all that on $13 an hour is really funny, good luck w/ that and congratulations on the kid, that I do mean, that's cool to have a kid. I'm going to go sleep it off now, goodnight.

11-07-2004 @ 04:00:53 AM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
#89, I want examples, educate me, I'm open to discussion, simply saying "You'll know it when they come for you" only makes you sound paranoid. I'm only saying your wrong because you won't support your arguments with fact, they are all political idealology, and boil down to "it stinks because it was done by Bush/republicans" if you can't tell me how it's bad, then I have to conclude it isn't. You're the expert on it, you said it basicaly destroys the Constitution, how does it do this? Surely you must know even in your self-proclaimed altered state the one thing that really is egregeous about it, so what is it? Don't cop out, tell me.......

11-07-2004 @ 09:01:51 AM
Posted By : dNiym Reply | Edit | Del
#90, Ok... Time to stop being nice i guess....

*quote* Of course you haven't seen what the patriot act does to you unless you get in a bad position with the law. They are able to take advantage of you and do many things that trample the rights you used to have when there was no patriot act */quote*

Stop breaking the law dumbass. You shouldn't get into bad situations with the law if you just have some sense..... Rights? Since when do criminals need rights? If the police did more ass stomping instead of tip-toeing trying not to get sued thered be alot less crime to deal with.

Source = http://www.aclu.org/SafeandFree/Saf...12126&c=207

FBI now has the power to access your most private medical records, your library records, and your student records... and can prevent anyone from telling you it was done.

11-07-2004 @ 09:15:08 AM
Posted By : dNiym Reply | Edit | Del
#90, Big friggin deal, they are the FBI they should be able to look at it without you knowing. Who cares if the FBI knows you did crappy in school or had your tonsils removed.

Violates the First Amendment by effectively authorizing the FBI to launch investigations of American citizens in part for exercising their freedom of speech.

Where in the first ammendment does it say they can't check you out for running your mouth? That's like if you were to walk into the police station talking about being a murderer and then expecting them not to do anything.

Violates the Fourth Amendmentby failing to provide notice

Where in the fourth ammendment does it say you get notice of being checked out? Even with a warrant they don't call you and tell you they are coming to search your house. That would just be stupid. They will surely tell you what you've done wrong when your in court.. They shouldn't be obligated to call you and tell you they are coming to bust your meth lab.

11-07-2004 @ 09:30:04 AM
Posted By : dNiym Reply | Edit | Del
#90, I'm sorry if you think im me supporting my family on 13/hr is funny, but it isn't a joke. You didn't hear me say anything about your life being a joke.

Three kids and one's in college, two cars, lot rent, house payment, homeowners insurance, car insurance, car payments, gas, food, electricity, blah blah the list goes on.

I have 3 cars all paid for, I own my home & 5 acres (a small home yes but still a home), I pay my bills on time and keep food on the table. So are you the one in college? or one of the kids? Either way how about instead of expecting your mother to do all the work you get off your ass and help her. You could start by canceling your internet access and sending her the cash for that. Or if your on the college account get a part time job and send her some money instead of being up at 2am pissing and moaning about the president calling BP and saying hey raise the gas prices so Mathis has something to bitch about.

11-07-2004 @ 09:35:42 AM
Posted By : dNiym Reply | Edit | Del
#90, It really is all about how you manage your money, I just bought a new processor, motherboard and gig of ram. I can't go out and buy everything that I see on TV right when it comes out but I maintain happiness and get the things I need. Maybe you should switch shampoo to save your mother some money.
http://maddox.xmission.org/crybaby.gif <--- Shampoo for crybaby pussies.

11-07-2004 @ 12:46:08 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
FBI now has the power to access your most private medical records, your library records, and your student records... and can prevent anyone from telling you it was done.

Anyone with a warrant can do that, and they don't have to tell you they did it. Library records and student records also don't have the same legal protection as medical records, which ironicaly enough, are protected by HIPPA, federal law with federal penalties for illegal disclosure. When I worked in medical records, we got requests all the time from various legal agencies for copies of records, it's been like this for years, it's nothing new. You still haven't proven exaclty what the Patriot act does that's so bad, you only site the possiblity of horrid abuse, well, any law can be abused, that's why I'm not a fan of more laws than we already have, but, show me exactly what's wrong with anything passed as a response to 9/11, you CAN'T.......

Hell, I"m living just fine on part-time work, no outstanding debts

11-07-2004 @ 01:00:57 PM
Posted By : Mathias Reply | Edit | Del
Your all morons, and what did I say you would do? If you did a little research and found anything out then you'd just defend it, oh woops there it goes! Don't you dare tell me to fucking send my parents money or cancel my internet access, or get a job. FUCK YOU, you don't know shit about me or about anything else apparently. Just shut the fuck up or i'll report the the FBI that your a terrorist and then they can arrest you at work, search your house and car, tear up all your shit and you can spend a week in jail with no representation and no idea wtf is going on. Then you can be released to go back to your ruined house and find out your fired from your job, you don't know shit.

11-07-2004 @ 01:04:32 PM
Posted By : RiceArsonist Reply | Edit | Del
#7, I'm with you

11-07-2004 @ 01:09:28 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
#97, Go ahead, report me, I dare you, I garuntee nothing will happen to me, becuase after a quick search of my background and personal records that anyone in the public can access, they'll rightfully conclude that I'm not worth their time to investiage because nothing would surface to make them suspect I have links to any terrorist organization. You KNOW that's not going to happen, you're just throwing a tantrum

11-07-2004 @ 01:14:38 PM
Posted By : MxCx Reply | Edit | Del
#97, Or you could take his advice and cancel your internet access. Thatd save everybody a headache. Youd have more money, wed have less bitching, its a win win for everyone :P

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