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http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=95884 |
Comments: 135 (Read/Post) Favorites: 1 (View) |
on: 12-28-2016
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AI police car misjudged the turn...
kw: beamNG Burnside Special police car ouchie |
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#61 |
12-29-2017 @ 12:03:15 PM |
Posted By : Skid |
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#60, Too bad you can't get a bunch of police cars to chase you at low speed without ramming you. |
#72 |
5-25-2018 @ 10:51:01 PM |
Posted By : Skid |
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#71, Just downloaded the giant LeGran. It barely works, of course, but it's kind of fun ramping other vehicles right into its windshield. |
#74 |
5-26-2018 @ 12:55:39 AM |
Posted By : Skid |
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#73, And even then, you can't go more than a few carlengths without overheating the clutch, and the front subframe twists and buckles the front wheels. |
#79 |
7-22-2018 @ 08:56:30 PM |
Posted By : Obsidian |
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#78, Nah. It's American Road. A pretty big bitch of map - apart from the ring road highway for reenacting Wangan Midnight in my customized 200ZX clone - I've never been down the same road twice.
Today was off road day and I chose a road that had a cute 'do no enter' sign that I willfully disobeyed. My modified Hopper that is only too happy to roll onto it roof for belly rubs.
[Edited by Obsidian on 7-22-2018 @ 09:00:14 PM] |
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