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URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=98727
Submitted by: Adambomb
Comments: 9  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 07-02-2024
View Stats Category: Car
Dodge Charger Daytona


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7-02-2024 @ 05:41:59 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
I think pre-revision/facelift LX Chargers are vanishing at quite an accelerated rate.

7-02-2024 @ 08:58:12 PM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
#1, sideshows, and various thuggery and homeboy-related activities haven't helped that. Nearly every one I still see has body damage, rust, and is either filled with smoke, or has a driver flailing a gun out the window while attempting to run into others or pedestrians.

7-02-2024 @ 10:22:47 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#2, No offense, but with your stories over the years/decades about the ne'er-do-wells and miscreants in your area, it sounds like you live in a really shitty area.

7-02-2024 @ 10:58:26 PM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
#3, it used to be decent, but it's gone way downhill over the last few years. In 2006-2007, uptown was in its prime, but the last four or five years have turned my area into a shithole-- and I hate using that word.

Rampant crime, Kiaboyz, and Minneapolis police who don't do anything since they're held accountable.

7-03-2024 @ 12:43:00 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
The V6 variants are unreliable. The V8 variants are more durable, but get abused to hell. Add to that that these cars are closing on on 20 years old, and yeah, it's gonna be tough to find them now on decent shape.

Challengers from the first half of the last decade aren't very common anymore, either.

7-03-2024 @ 02:41:26 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#5, Challengers from the 2000s and ones from... yesterday... aren't the easiest to distinguish from a distance, particularly from the side.

Admittedly the taillights are dead giveaways, and the front fascias slightly less-so, especially if the lights aren't on.

7-03-2024 @ 03:32:56 PM
Posted By : wannabemustangjockey  Reply | Edit | Del
2000s Dodge Playskool interiors aren't a place I'd want to spend 20 years in.

7-03-2024 @ 06:55:13 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#7, My sister recently remarked about a Dodge Caliber she once rented being possibly the worst car she's ever driven.

7-03-2024 @ 11:40:08 PM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
Back to the car (from me), I like the first gen, especially the special editions. The 3.5 V6 is fine, but gutless. The 2.7 is trash. The V8s get dragged to hell and back. The 300 looks better than the Charger, especially in C form. My step grandpa owned a 300 for the last decade of his life. Treated him well, never had an issue. It was a 3.5, and he bought it on my recommendation after having a WJ Grand Cherokee prior, and a Chrysler LeBaron before that.

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