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URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=35461
Submitted by: Skid
Comments: 29  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 09-15-2004
View Stats Category: Photoshop/Art
One of Car and Driver's first shots of the 2006 Dodge Charger. If you want to know what the back looks like, imagine a new 300C with a flat black stripe in between the taillights, running the width of the deck lid.


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9-15-2004 @ 11:52:23 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#3, Actually... reread the article...Chrysler calls the Magnum a "sports tourer", not the Charger. They use that euphemism on the Magnum to avoid calling it a "station wagon", which is taboo in the industry for some stupid fucking reason.

*Still a station wagon fan...probably always will be*

9-16-2004 @ 10:55:25 AM
Posted By : stang392 Reply | Edit | Del
*also still a station wagon fan*
and I think the reason its taboo is cause "family guy" would feel too much like pussies if they didn't drive a SUV, which is pretty much what killed station wagons (IMHO)

9-19-2004 @ 02:27:45 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
#21, Ehhh..."sports sedan" then. It's still a damn disgrace.

9-19-2004 @ 02:33:02 PM
Posted By : RiceArsonist Reply | Edit | Del
Ugh...god damn Dodge, i swear, they fucking killed the Charger name once already, why won't they just let it die?

9-19-2004 @ 02:33:49 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#23, Yeah, a disgrace to a degree...but DEFINITELY not as bad as this 35475

9-19-2004 @ 02:35:26 PM
Posted By : RiceArsonist Reply | Edit | Del
#25, Meh, i personally think this is MUCH worse...at least that one will go 200MPH

10-01-2004 @ 12:26:59 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
I've been now hearing rumors that this car will NOT be called the "Charger"...there has been no official announcement... Yes, Dodge officially released these images, but they did not officially attach the "Charger" name to them...

The rumor I've been hearing is that this car might be called the "Dodge Enforcer." That would be pretty cool, since it's kinda obvious that this will be a choice for police departments to use as a squad car.

10-01-2004 @ 01:10:26 PM
Posted By : stang392 Reply | Edit | Del
plus the charger concept image I seen in last months Hot Rod looked nothing like this.

10-01-2004 @ 01:57:31 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
#27, Well, that's kinda cool. "Enforcer" is a good name.

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