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Final Stats:
Total Votes |
55 |
Average Score |
7.55 |
Verdict |
Showing page: 1 of 1 [ 1 ]
#1 |
12-29-2004 @ 07:39:35 AM |
Posted By : Zoso240 |
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Nothing screams performance like a Kia. Whoever ownes this is a complete moron. |
#3 |
12-29-2004 @ 03:12:18 PM |
Posted By : ambientFLIER |
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#1, however, kias make better "tunaz" than civics because they generally have larger-displacement engines, my 99 sephia has a 1.8 with 125hp , back then civics still had 1.6's with 106 to start |
#4 |
12-29-2004 @ 03:25:54 PM |
Posted By : moparornocar |
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GIVE IT UP ALREADY!!!!! it doesnt matter if its a civic or a kia, its not a sports car for crying out loud! If you want a fast car, go buy something with real potential, dont modify an econo box! |
#5 |
12-29-2004 @ 03:33:16 PM |
Posted By : Skid |
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#3, Theoretically they would, yes, but they don't have a hell of a lot of aftermarket support at the moment, nor are there any serious fabricators working on them. But they might gain themselves a following in a few years as the cars continue to get cheaper. Look at the following the Chrysler turbo 4s have gained. |
#6 |
12-30-2004 @ 01:08:00 AM |
Posted By : ambientFLIER |
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#5, im sure there will be lots of aftermarket support for them in a couple of years when they reach the quality of a honda or toyota in the long run, and when people buy more |
#7 |
1-23-2005 @ 08:03:26 PM |
Posted By : casketcrewchick |
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This is horrible.... the only Kia I like are the Sorentos (suv). Their cars are shit and I had looked at one for my very first car- it was like 8 grand brand new. |
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