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Final Stats:

Total Votes 1003
Average Score 5.07
Verdict Not Rice

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=602
Submitted by: Geist02mds
Comments: 14  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 01-15-2002
View Stats Category: Car
The 2001 Skyline GT-R Concept. Once again a grate care ruined by the ugly stick


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1-15-2002 @ 05:05:31 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
I think this is how they made this concept:

1) The designers grabbed a hunk of grey clay.
2) They threw it against a wall.
3) They took a magic marker and drew on the grill and headlights.
4) They drank Sake, looked at the piece of clay, and, being drunk Japanese guys after
the Sake, they thought it looked good.
5) Then they woke up the next day.... it must have been like waking up after a night out
with a dog of a woman next to you in bed...

Those poor Japanese designers...

1-15-2002 @ 05:14:45 PM
Posted By : SuperDave479 Reply | Edit | Del
Yeah, I liked the style of it before but this is just nasty. LOL DiRF!

1-15-2002 @ 05:32:05 PM
Posted By : iMport-TunEr Reply | Edit | Del
go to the web site www.nissandriven.com looks better as a finished product

1-15-2002 @ 05:33:53 PM
Posted By : Geist02mds Reply | Edit | Del
Thats not the 350z goofball Its the Skyline consept

1-15-2002 @ 06:01:19 PM
Posted By : SuperDave479 Reply | Edit | Del
Yeah, I actually like the 350Z. I started to get a used 300ZX back when I couldn't afford my V6 Camaro's payments. I ended up getting a Lumina LS in the interim. Then I couldn't stand it and got a Camaro again. It wasn't a weak car though. It had a DOHC 3.4 V6 with 210hp (the Lumina). I'm getting off on a tangent though........

1-31-2002 @ 05:53:29 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
DAMN. What's with Japanese designers these days? They're getting into that whole "make it really square with a bunch of fake rivets" thing. Apparently, the idea of cars having nice designs with flowing lines just doesn't matter anymore. Everything has to look like the innards of a jet engine.

3-20-2002 @ 09:17:09 PM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
"I'm melting meeeelting!!"

3-20-2002 @ 09:19:17 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
This is some kind of car in it's embryonic state, wait a couple more months and see what develops.......

3-20-2002 @ 09:26:20 PM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
Ohh, its crying and its black eye liner runs down its face

6-23-2002 @ 10:39:36 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
I'd be crying too, if I looked like this thing.

6-23-2002 @ 10:45:17 PM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
Its only a concept.

6-23-2002 @ 10:47:19 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
And hell is only a sauna....

10-06-2002 @ 02:24:02 PM
Posted By : TinIndian Reply | Edit | Del
Glad it's retired, FUCK A SKYLINE!!!

12-09-2004 @ 08:13:52 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#1, One of my earliest posts ever here... and I still stand by it.

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