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Final Stats:

Total Votes 836
Average Score 3.31
Verdict Not Rice

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=1007
Submitted by: GhettoGlider
Comments: 37  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 02-12-2002
View Stats Category: Car
Curb Weight: 5700 lbs
Layout: Front-Engine/RWD
Transmission: 4-Speed Automatic
Type: Twin-Turbo V8
Displacement: 6750 cc
Horsepower: 450 bhp @ 4100 rpm
Torque: 645 lb-ft @ 3250 rpm

0-60 mph: 5.5 sec
0-100 mph: 14.0 sec
Quarter Mile: 14.9 sec @ 108 mph

2002 Bentley Arnage T


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5-03-2002 @ 02:05:33 PM
Posted By : hoodigah Reply | Edit | Del
It has the highest torque of any production car. Shit, for all that money at least make it bulletproof. If not, I'd spend 150k for the S500 Guard and at least feel safe.

7-14-2002 @ 05:47:23 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
wow, this thing sure has a high trap speed for the 15-second pass

10-15-2002 @ 06:53:31 AM
Posted By : Keisuke_Turbo Reply | Edit | Del
i would buy it and push all your fucken domestics off the road

6-06-2003 @ 10:54:54 AM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#23, Hey Trooper, speaking of banning people...how is this guy still a member, seriously?

Anywho, am I alone in thinking one of these with runflat tires would be the ultimate car to use in a police chase?

6-06-2003 @ 10:57:47 AM
Posted By : solid_snake Reply | Edit | Del
look how long it's been since he posted

6-06-2003 @ 11:00:06 AM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#25, Yeah, yeah yeah....I know...but, he could come back at any day to drop a nibblet of his "wisdom" on us...

6-06-2003 @ 11:01:59 AM
Posted By : kstagger Reply | Edit | Del
#26, yeah, but secretly we love trolls... how often can we preach to the choir? I like giving out a ricer-re-education program

6-06-2003 @ 11:05:04 AM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#27, Well...ricers and trolls are two different things. Ricers come in here with their opinions, and pretty much leave, or even (in great cases) change their ways because of what we tell them.

Trolls just badger on and on and on, and ignore every logical and well-thought out post submitted by the "true" car enthusiasts on this site....

6-06-2003 @ 11:07:02 AM
Posted By : kstagger Reply | Edit | Del
#28, true... like 'Cash' and kittylitter_turbo were classic trolls... anyone who seriously uses the word 'dumbestic' or 'rustang' is usually an automatic troll (unless they are joking).

6-06-2003 @ 11:13:45 AM
Posted By : Trooper  Reply | Edit | Del
#24, Wow.. this thread was brought back from the dead :) I don't know why he's still a member, I probably just didn't notice. There is a good amount of activity on this site so I can't really read everything. I usually take action after someone emails me about a particular person. After that I'll go through and see what they've been saying and decide what to do.

6-06-2003 @ 11:16:25 AM
Posted By : motopsycho Reply | Edit | Del
#24, runflats are over rated.
this is what companies usually target such as stop sticks.
there's another company out that claims they're spike strip can shred run flats too.

as for ultimate getaway vehicle, i'd have to go with bmw after watching all those bmw films myself. :)

seriously though, if you can find it, download a video called "BMW M3 vs Camaro CHP" / BMW M3 vs Police lt1 camaro.wmv - some 15yr old outruns the cops in what appears to be a 1st or 2nd gen m3.
i like it when the cops get run off the road and run into the ditch.

[Edited by motopsycho on 6-06-2003 @ 11:19:34 AM]

6-06-2003 @ 12:20:48 PM
Posted By : solid_snake Reply | Edit | Del
#24, solid rubber tires :P

6-06-2003 @ 12:23:41 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#32, Oh yeah...I'm *sure* that would lend itself to a good ride quality... *sarcasm*

6-06-2003 @ 12:25:16 PM
Posted By : solid_snake Reply | Edit | Del
you never said any thing about needing great ride quality

6-06-2003 @ 12:28:51 PM
Posted By : kstagger Reply | Edit | Del
aren't the lastest spike strips using hollow spikes that breakoff? Essentially allowing a path for the air to escape...

6-06-2003 @ 12:31:21 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#35, Yeah, I just remembered that....so, no matter HOW good the run flat technology is, the tire is still gonna be rendered unusable. The spike strips are also designed to puncture the sidewall too, I believe.

6-16-2003 @ 11:51:14 AM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
Runflats are designed to hold their form, even if they have a hole the size of a golfball in them. You just can't exceed 50 mph.

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