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Final Stats:

Total Votes 218
Average Score 5.14
Verdict Not Rice

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=12238
Submitted by: NOSsucks
Comments: 36  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 10-06-2002
View Stats Category: Car
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10-06-2002 @ 10:10:48 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
Barring the 10's and comments from McMunkee, maybe this won't go over as bad as 2074.

10-06-2002 @ 10:11:48 AM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
Nah, this really doesn't look too bad. The bumper that used to be on it was a bit much.

10-06-2002 @ 10:12:09 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
Yeah, that was when I was at the worst of my rice stage.

10-06-2002 @ 10:28:05 AM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
Yeah thats clean, a nice little car.

10-06-2002 @ 10:29:21 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
Thanks Cams.

10-06-2002 @ 10:29:59 AM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
A little tyer shine wouldnt go astray tho'.

10-06-2002 @ 10:30:16 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
At the moment, It scrapes going into 3rd, should I just have the clutch adjusted, or go ahead and put a new one in?

10-06-2002 @ 10:30:50 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
Hehe, I guess they could use some shining.

10-06-2002 @ 10:32:30 AM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
#7, Engine gearbox and clutch you mean?

10-06-2002 @ 10:33:30 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
Just clutch. Tranny was rebuilt about 10,000 miles ago. But I learned a Manual on this, so it probably took its toll on it.

[Edited by NOSsucks on 10-06-2002 @ 10:35:13 AM]

10-06-2002 @ 12:18:08 PM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
Well, my car is still under 8, so McMunkee must not be on yet...

10-06-2002 @ 09:26:22 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
Wow, NOS, this car is MUCH better!!!! Thank you for de-ricing it. I am a huge proponent of black wheels...they're the exact opposite of the wheels that I hate (bling bling super bright chrome ones.)

10-06-2002 @ 09:29:14 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
Another one set straight.

Nice Civic (never thought I would say that).

10-06-2002 @ 11:58:05 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
wha...his car is a hatch?

10-07-2002 @ 07:16:39 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
Yup. If I really wanted to make a Civic for any type of racing (Auto-X is about all it'd be good for), I'd use a civic hatch, light (around 2150lb.), and it handles pretty well. Im hoping I can get 4-5k for this.

10-07-2002 @ 08:36:42 AM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
#14, That was my shock too. A Civic hatchback for racing? HAHA

I never hated your car, I was just photoshopping it for fun. Lighten up, it happens to EVERYONE on this site.

10-07-2002 @ 08:38:03 AM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
Civic for racing. Hmm...remember that CRX with the RWD conversion and the Chevy 383 stroker? I want to do one of those. Or at least Photoshop one :-)

10-07-2002 @ 08:43:52 AM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del

10-07-2002 @ 08:44:20 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
*shrug* I just don't seem to hear any nice comments out of you about imports McMunkee, but I only have a few minutes before class, so I don't much feel like getting into this discussion.

I have talked to a few people, from what I hear this y/m hatchback made a good autocross car.

10-07-2002 @ 08:44:46 AM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
This car has a lot of 10's. I only gave it a 7. Hey, it's a Civic hatchback!

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