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Final Stats:

Total Votes 218
Average Score 5.14
Verdict Not Rice

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=12238
Submitted by: NOSsucks
Comments: 36  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 10-06-2002
View Stats Category: Car
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10-07-2002 @ 08:45:35 AM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
There ya go again. I gave you a list of the imports I like before. Some people have thick heads on this site.

Have fun in class.

10-07-2002 @ 08:45:46 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
:p Its a great daily driver till I can get something fast. My list was posted on free-post the other day, everything was either a V8 or something with forced induction. I want torque dammit...

10-07-2002 @ 08:46:14 AM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
#19, Small, lightweight cars tend to do really well at Auto-x, from what I've gathered. I know MY car would absolutely suck at it without some major suspension work..

10-07-2002 @ 08:46:44 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
Just stating what I've seen McMunkee, like I said I don't feel like getting into it with people on the internet, its alway pointless and nobody wins, just makes us all look like 8 year olds.

10-07-2002 @ 08:47:09 AM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
#22, Tell Kakoriat to check the Photoshop of his car again. I've got a link to a plain, lowered version.

10-07-2002 @ 08:48:01 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
#23 hehehe.
Since it weighed 2150lb (ish) with a full interior, I imagine it would be pretty light at auto-x spec.

10-07-2002 @ 08:48:04 AM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
By the way, this stuff works great. Don't put it on the tread and drive it in the rain though! HAHAHA

10-07-2002 @ 08:48:20 AM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del

10-07-2002 @ 08:48:27 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
Will do Lemming.

10-07-2002 @ 08:49:06 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
Hahhah, I read that discussion McMunkee, that guy was a complete idiot. Who the hell puts Armorall on their tread?

10-07-2002 @ 08:50:25 AM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
Complete idiots.

10-07-2002 @ 08:52:20 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
First off, why do you turn off TCS in the rain? Second, I'm pretty sure it says not to put Armorall on the traction surface RIGHT THERE ON THE BOTTLE! Geez, waste of a decent car. I like the IS300.

10-07-2002 @ 08:53:37 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
Well, I'm off to class, got one today, will come back later for more automotive discussion. BTW, anyone want to answer my earlier question about the clutch?

10-07-2002 @ 08:56:31 AM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
#33, If it's just clutch adjustment, you may even be able to do that yourself. Check some websites--on my car's transmission, I just have to pull the clutch pedal up all the way and slooooowwwwwlly press it to the floor, and the clutch auto-adjusts.

I'm grinding going into OD, but my car is still under warranty--I'll probably have it looked at soon.

10-07-2002 @ 04:35:27 PM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
Thanks Lemming.

10-07-2002 @ 04:36:55 PM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
On my

[Edited by Jurrell on 10-07-2002 @ 04:37:25 PM]

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