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URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=42962
Submitted by: Adambomb
Comments: 64  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 08-09-2005
View Stats Category: Off-topic
The suck thread! Post things that suck here!


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8-09-2005 @ 04:24:29 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
#2 and #3 were directed at me, in a joking manner...#12 was directed at you and adambomb...in a joking manner...get over it

8-09-2005 @ 04:27:02 PM
Posted By : 427 Vette Reply | Edit | Del
#41, Yeah, I'll get over it. As soon as you stop playing the victim.

8-09-2005 @ 04:30:56 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del

yes, i am playing the victim, even though both you guys mentioned me first in this thread, and i didnt say a word before that about anybody...this is lame

8-09-2005 @ 04:33:31 PM
Posted By : Muntz05 Reply | Edit | Del
Damn, I missed a good one today

*gets bags and bags of popcorn*

8-09-2005 @ 04:34:19 PM
Posted By : 427 Vette Reply | Edit | Del
#43, You said it yourself, in a joking manner. All the hostility came when I mentioned that I needed to post more Lamborghini pictures.

8-09-2005 @ 04:36:13 PM
Posted By : 427 Vette Reply | Edit | Del
#44, Not really anything new, the usual ambient "omg your lamborghini pictures are all the same, and no one can afford them."

8-09-2005 @ 04:37:10 PM
Posted By : Muntz05 Reply | Edit | Del
#46, I read them all

you forgot to mention the part about floor shifters :P

8-09-2005 @ 04:38:17 PM
Posted By : 427 Vette Reply | Edit | Del
#47, Damn, I also forgot about the Vigilantism and bench seats.


8-09-2005 @ 04:43:06 PM
Posted By : Muntz05 Reply | Edit | Del
#48, I do agree with you about the cops, they're such assholes. Yes, they stop crime, but they also can treat certain people like shit.

My friend got pulled over for 'blue' neons (they were actually white, in our state, blue and red are illegal, everything else is okay) When the cop told him to turn his lights back on, he said "Did you change the color?" My friend said "No, they're white, I have the package right here." They cop got mad and told him if he didnt quit mouthing him, he would rip the wires out right there in front of him.

8-09-2005 @ 05:08:35 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
#49, Were that me, that would be about the time I would warn the cop that I don't accept the dishonor of having my property damaged in front of me.

I'm seriously probably going to get arrested someday for assaulting an officer. I've actually considered becoming a cop before to avoid someday being at odds with them.

8-09-2005 @ 05:55:39 PM
Posted By : stang392 Reply | Edit | Del
#28, but having one on the floor makes a 5 speed swap easier

8-09-2005 @ 06:02:54 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
#45, are you sure it was hostility, and not NOTHING?

8-09-2005 @ 06:06:29 PM
Posted By : tanner07 Reply | Edit | Del

8-09-2005 @ 08:45:00 PM
Posted By : Tastycakemix Reply | Edit | Del
"The suck thread! Post things that suck here!"

Your mother!


Yea, enough lambo posts. Haven't been paying attention on who's doing it but its annoying.

8-09-2005 @ 08:59:17 PM
Posted By : Tastycakemix Reply | Edit | Del
Might I suggest you two take this to the Face Off thread?

8-09-2005 @ 09:02:03 PM
Posted By : 427 Vette Reply | Edit | Del
Wiggers and wiggets.

8-09-2005 @ 09:02:46 PM
Posted By : Tastycakemix Reply | Edit | Del
1) When people say "nuff said".
2) Blind dates where the woman turns out to be EXTREMELY unattractive with an attitude to boot. Then you have to spend time with them just so you're not the jerk.
3) Condom breaking after you have sex with the formentioned extremely unattractive blind date.

[Edited by Tastycakemix on 8-09-2005 @ 09:04:00 PM]

8-09-2005 @ 09:03:52 PM
Posted By : 427 Vette Reply | Edit | Del
#57, Nuff said.

8-09-2005 @ 09:06:24 PM
Posted By : Tastycakemix Reply | Edit | Del
#58, 4) People who immediately urk you after they find out how to do it.

8-09-2005 @ 09:06:54 PM
Posted By : 427 Vette Reply | Edit | Del
#59, Damn.


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