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URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=42977
Submitted by: Tastycakemix
Comments: 41  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 08-09-2005
View Stats Category: Off-topic
Face Off thread.

If you have a problem with someone, take it to the ring!


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8-09-2005 @ 09:00:44 PM
Posted By : RyCe_MuNkIe Reply | Edit | Del

8-09-2005 @ 09:01:22 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
Here we have Ken Clean-Air Sytem, versus... a little schoolgirl.


8-09-2005 @ 09:04:40 PM
Posted By : 427 Vette Reply | Edit | Del

8-09-2005 @ 09:08:31 PM
Posted By : Tastycakemix Reply | Edit | Del
They look like they are both staring at each other while they take a shit.

Wonder if we ever did that when we were babies?

8-09-2005 @ 09:37:45 PM
Posted By : Jon Reply | Edit | Del
MxCx is a little bitch.

8-09-2005 @ 09:53:55 PM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
AmbientFLIER is a fucktard [/Captain Obvious]

8-09-2005 @ 09:55:10 PM
Posted By : 89Rettagt Reply | Edit | Del
#6, http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v...chs/obvious.gif

8-09-2005 @ 10:21:38 PM
Posted By : RiceArsonist Reply | Edit | Del
Alright...you all suck :P

8-09-2005 @ 10:25:48 PM
Posted By : RyCe_MuNkIe Reply | Edit | Del
#8, http://www.visipak-extrusion.com/straws-l.jpg
^^ The only thing i suck ;)

8-09-2005 @ 10:37:37 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
*sets up house*

8-09-2005 @ 10:38:30 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
#6, fuck you, bitch


and it's ambientFLIER, cunt

[Edited by ambientFLIER on 8-09-2005 @ 10:40:10 PM]

8-09-2005 @ 10:40:06 PM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
#11, buck fou, yitch
Also I'm not a member of the forums.

[Edited by Adambomb on 8-09-2005 @ 10:41:04 PM]

8-09-2005 @ 10:41:32 PM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
Must be that time of the month

8-09-2005 @ 10:42:31 PM
Posted By : RyCe_MuNkIe Reply | Edit | Del
#12, http://photo.ricecop.com/pics/smoochype23fn.jpg
Thats what the pixtar is

8-09-2005 @ 10:43:03 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
#14, oh, thanks

8-09-2005 @ 10:44:08 PM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
Well in that case, MACRO WAR TIME!
Hey ambient,

8-09-2005 @ 10:46:30 PM
Posted By : RyCe_MuNkIe Reply | Edit | Del
Uh oh
*reaches into hard drive*

8-09-2005 @ 11:56:56 PM
Posted By : 427 Vette Reply | Edit | Del
#11, Use what they used against you eh?

8-09-2005 @ 11:58:12 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
#18, yeah...that hazing was funny

all those guys are cool now

that's why i never took it seriously

[Edited by ambientFLIER on 8-09-2005 @ 11:59:35 PM]

8-09-2005 @ 11:59:00 PM
Posted By : thirtyseven Reply | Edit | Del
McMunkee is, was and always be a bizatch. That is all I have to say.

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