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URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=42977
Submitted by: Tastycakemix
Comments: 41  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 08-09-2005
View Stats Category: Off-topic
Face Off thread.

If you have a problem with someone, take it to the ring!


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8-10-2005 @ 12:42:56 AM
Posted By : Muntz05 Reply | Edit | Del
I'm calling you out Za! If you're a real man, you'll come and duel me!


...what's that, Za is gone? shit... nobody told me


8-10-2005 @ 12:45:27 AM
Posted By : Phantom1 Reply | Edit | Del

8-10-2005 @ 01:52:05 PM
Posted By : Officer Dick Reply | Edit | Del
MxCx is an asshat. seriously
Lemming is a hard ass, controlling, know it all, prick real badass with an equaly awsome ride. : )
Solid Snake's ass is so tite he shits out his mouth.
And as for the rest of you shit sticks... Well, look at you! : P

Oh, and 427Vette, nobody cares about being first on the freepost every morning.


[Edited by Officer Dick on 8-10-2005 @ 01:56:05 PM]

8-10-2005 @ 02:43:03 PM
Posted By : MxCx Reply | Edit | Del
#23, Fucking Northerner ;)
Ambient, use the edit button.

Thats about all I have a problem with.

8-10-2005 @ 03:45:18 PM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
ricehater000 has sex with his cousins.....and goats

8-10-2005 @ 04:11:38 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
#24, i've been using the dit button for a good while now

8-10-2005 @ 04:12:04 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
#23, lol

8-10-2005 @ 04:22:56 PM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
I'm also getting kinda sick of seeing exotic after exotic but didn't want to say anything *crawls back in hole*

8-10-2005 @ 04:24:21 PM
Posted By : 427 Vette Reply | Edit | Del
We need more!

8-10-2005 @ 04:29:28 PM
Posted By : stang392 Reply | Edit | Del
#29, as long as they are Countachs!!!!!

8-10-2005 @ 06:11:10 PM
Posted By : Tastycakemix Reply | Edit | Del
My personal favorites:


8-10-2005 @ 06:15:00 PM
Posted By : 427 Vette Reply | Edit | Del
I like this one.


8-10-2005 @ 06:22:33 PM
Posted By : Tastycakemix Reply | Edit | Del
#31, Apparently link is no good...

8-10-2005 @ 09:54:07 PM
Posted By : MxCx Reply | Edit | Del
#5, A bit out of the blue.

8-11-2005 @ 12:16:24 PM
Posted By : Officer Dick Reply | Edit | Del
#24, Well, I like it down south if ya know what I meen. ; )

8-11-2005 @ 01:01:17 PM
Posted By : MxCx Reply | Edit | Del
#35, Down south is where the fun is ;)

8-11-2005 @ 01:04:41 PM
Posted By : Officer Dick Reply | Edit | Del
#36, Accualy I've been living in VA this summer, I'm moving back on saturday though. I can't belive it, it's more humid here than it is back in MI.

8-21-2005 @ 04:05:42 PM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
okay, Jon was a prick for blowing up at MxCx, and Za, well, he was just a fucking moron. Mc_munkeenuts was a complete idiot, and as for MuscleCarNut711, he seemed okay at first I guess, but then he got worse quickly.

8-24-2005 @ 06:04:22 AM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del

8-24-2005 @ 06:05:54 AM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
#28, welcome to 3 months ago...

oh yeah, you all suck

[Edited by ambientFLIER on 8-24-2005 @ 06:07:07 AM]

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