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Final Stats:

Total Votes 722
Average Score 4.60
Verdict Not Rice

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=2266
Submitted by: Jesuz
Comments: 24  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 1  (View)
Submitted on: 03-21-2002
View Stats Category: Car
81 aztec 7


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3-21-2002 @ 06:04:29 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
Gee...that Aztec/Aztek name seems to be cursed, huh?

3-21-2002 @ 06:05:45 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
Where's an out-of-control snowplow when you really need one?

3-21-2002 @ 06:06:17 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
Well, that's uh.....hmmm....it's uh.....1980s, that's for sure. I dig the van wheels....

3-21-2002 @ 06:07:02 PM
Posted By : AC Schnitzer M3 Reply | Edit | Del
eww thats poopie.

3-22-2002 @ 02:57:54 PM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
The Aztek's Grandpa

[Edited by Jurrell on 3-22-2002 @ 03:02:26 PM]

3-22-2002 @ 02:59:37 PM
Posted By : SuperDave479 Reply | Edit | Del
Well, it would be out of control so you couldn't really direct it toward this car. ;)

3-26-2002 @ 09:18:34 PM
Posted By : Mad Max Reply | Edit | Del
Looks like a Bricklin gone horribly wrong.

3-26-2002 @ 09:19:17 PM
Posted By : CRXtrackguy Reply | Edit | Del
it looks fast. since this was the 80s, it obviously wasn't.

4-12-2002 @ 06:19:18 PM
Posted By : CRXtrackguy Reply | Edit | Del
I love the old flying wedge styling. I'm not even sure why.

4-12-2002 @ 06:22:13 PM
Posted By : Mad Max Reply | Edit | Del
Anyone know who the stylist was on this? It really, really looks like a Bertone design to me for some reason.

4-12-2002 @ 06:22:58 PM
Posted By : Jon Reply | Edit | Del
Yea it does look like a cross between a Bertone, Aston Martin Bulldog and a Vector.

5-08-2002 @ 07:45:29 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
....with a plywood door.

7-30-2002 @ 02:16:00 PM
Posted By : comradesampo Reply | Edit | Del
Is this a wannabe Stratos?

7-30-2002 @ 02:17:32 PM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
Wannabe vacuum?

10-29-2002 @ 09:26:31 AM
Posted By : comradesampo Reply | Edit | Del
What the hell is that thing?

10-29-2002 @ 09:27:56 AM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#15, *Motions towards the pic's caption*

It's called reading, left to right, top to bottom. Take Tylenol for any headaches, Midol for any cramps.

[Edited by DiRF on 10-29-2002 @ 09:28:09 AM]

10-29-2002 @ 09:29:02 AM
Posted By : comradesampo Reply | Edit | Del
I read the caption. It didn't help any.

10-29-2002 @ 09:30:01 AM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
#16, What do I take for heartburn?

10-29-2002 @ 09:30:34 AM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#17, How about this:

"This is a car that was sold as the 1981 Aztec 7."

That help any?

10-29-2002 @ 09:32:24 AM
Posted By : comradesampo Reply | Edit | Del
#19, Not really. It's still the damn strangest thing I've ever seen outside a concept show.

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