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URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=33688
Submitted by: thirtyseven
Comments: 7  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 06-30-2004
View Stats Category: Caption Contest
Saddam's letter home.


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6-30-2004 @ 02:31:21 PM
Posted By : kstagger Reply | Edit | Del
Dear Mom - summer camp has been interesting. The food isn't bad, but I miss my hummus. Please send more food. Love Saddam
Votes for this entry: 4

6-30-2004 @ 02:45:23 PM
Posted By : MxCx Reply | Edit | Del
This should be a caption contest.

6-30-2004 @ 02:54:17 PM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
#2, Should it, now? ;)

6-30-2004 @ 02:54:44 PM
Posted By : solid_snake Reply | Edit | Del
I cannot belive those white devils voted Diana off American Idol...

yeah I got nothing.words can't describe how dirty I feel at having googled the american idon website to get a name

Votes for this entry: 1

6-30-2004 @ 02:55:29 PM
Posted By : solid_snake Reply | Edit | Del
bad timing is horseshit

6-30-2004 @ 03:06:02 PM
Posted By : MxCx Reply | Edit | Del
Dear Mom,
This 'finishing sch00l' you had me sent to treats me badly. They look in my mouth a lot..it makes me uncomfortable. At least they pulled me out of that hole I fell in..boy I sure am pleased as punch that dog got help! Anyway, its time to get back to my tent. Almost dinner time! Mmmm, spaghettios! Of all the western things I hate, spag-0s aren't one of them!

L0v3z0rz, S4dd4m!

P.S. I hear they're gonna ship me off to some place back home in Iraq! Yay! Tell my brother Luigi I said hi!

Votes for this entry: 0

7-13-2006 @ 10:16:04 AM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
To whomever reads the mail at Amnesty International:

I, Saddam Hussien, leader of the Iraqi people, am currently on trial for alleged war crimes, however the only criminals are the pigs holding me hostage. They have out-of-date vending machines that jam up a lot and take my money, and they only have Nutter Butter bites, not the proper Nutter Butters that I'm accustomed to. And every time I attempt to go on a hunger strike, they start taunting me with delicious sub sandwiches. I'm also being forced to shave with a Ladies' Gillette razor, which I find dehumanizing, and they make me lather with liquid hand soap, rather than proper shaving cream.

How long shall this inhumanity be overlooked? Where is my benefit concert? Bono is a prick.

Saddam Hussien

Votes for this entry: 1

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