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URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=35891
Submitted by: Biohazard
Comments: 56  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 10-05-2004
View Stats Category: Off-topic
Taped in my rear window. (I don't put stickers on my car. Especially ones that are irrelevant after a while.)


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10-05-2004 @ 01:22:49 AM
Posted By : MxCx Reply | Edit | Del
Hows about propaganda.com?

10-05-2004 @ 01:26:03 AM
Posted By : Biohazard Reply | Edit | Del
#1, Right, I also have an anti-nader sticker in my rear window. Basicly, this is my statement that anyone is better than Bush. I'm anti-nader for various reasons.

edit: I suppose a better sticker would be "Anybody, that can WIN, but Bush '04" would make a better sticker, but they don't sell those...

[Edited by Biohazard on 10-05-2004 @ 01:30:29 AM]

10-05-2004 @ 07:41:45 AM
Posted By : kstagger Reply | Edit | Del
howabout we raise Hitler from the dead? *sheesh*

10-05-2004 @ 07:46:40 AM
Posted By : Biohazard Reply | Edit | Del
#3, Hey! Thats a GREAT fucking idea. *rolls eyes*

10-05-2004 @ 07:49:24 AM
Posted By : kstagger Reply | Edit | Del
#4, well its anyone but bush - we could get Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Kim Jong...

10-05-2004 @ 07:52:29 AM
Posted By : kstagger Reply | Edit | Del
I think alot of people suffer from 'Bush Derangment' Syndrome - they want to blame just about anything on the guy.

I stubbed my toe - Bush's fault

I mean there's a decent chance that the guy will be removed from office, but it really won't change much.

10-05-2004 @ 07:56:23 AM
Posted By : Biohazard Reply | Edit | Del
#5, I have a lot of stickers in my back window stating my full opinion on the matter. This just happens to be the first one I found a picture of on the internet to post here.

#6, I, unlike many apparently, actually pay attention to the issues. I am a college student at a California University. I did not get here by being an idiot.

If you think it won't change anything by changing the leader of our country, then you are clearly delusional. I am not just talking about the stand in Iraq. I focus on all issues. Not just the ones that the stupid ass media pushes in our faces.

10-05-2004 @ 07:58:31 AM
Posted By : AtEase Reply | Edit | Del
I think it would make a huge difference to what people over here think of USA. I think that would affect the countries position towards you, politicians have to listen to the people when they get loud enough. Right now there are few governements that can afford to support Bush. So I think the support for the US around the world could be bigger if he doesn't win.

10-05-2004 @ 08:00:01 AM
Posted By : Biohazard Reply | Edit | Del
#8, Thats another thing that is extremely important right now. Bush has made us a lot of enemies. Kerry has already stated that he will go back to the UN and try to repair some of that damage.

10-05-2004 @ 08:05:54 AM
Posted By : kstagger Reply | Edit | Del
#7, Most of the idiots I've had the pleasure of meeting were college students... I was happy when I finally graduated from my University.

The ultimate power of the president mostly resides with foreign policy and introducing legislature. With a republican controlled congress- a democratic/etc president will have a hard time pushing any legislation through. If you expect a major change because of who is president - then you are clearly being delusional. Most power in Washington resides with special interest groups.

I'm not a big fan of Bush, but Kerry is no winner either.

10-05-2004 @ 08:09:13 AM
Posted By : Biohazard Reply | Edit | Del
Here are a few sites that address the issues for those that are interested:

Find out who you should vote for based on the issues:

10-05-2004 @ 08:10:23 AM
Posted By : kstagger Reply | Edit | Del
#9, The UN that does nothing in Sudan? The UN with the corrupt Food for Oil program? the UN that is anti-Israel? I have no faith in the UN - which essentially gives equal voices to democratic nations and dictatorships alike.

10-05-2004 @ 08:13:44 AM
Posted By : Biohazard Reply | Edit | Del
#10, While this is true, you fail to mention the point that while you are electing a president, you are also electing the people who advise him and the people he has the power to appoint.

One thing that I also don't support Bush on is his stand on environmental issues and what he has done thus far. I am not a tree-hugging hippie like so many would like to dismiss me as when I say that I am an environmentalist. I just know that we need the natural resources in order to survive and the ability to breathe clean air and drink non-toxic water.

10-05-2004 @ 08:15:48 AM
Posted By : Biohazard Reply | Edit | Del
#12, We still need their support. Without it, we will no doubt stand alone as the world's police. I don't support our position as the world's police either. It just so happens that it has been established like that. Its not going to change.

10-05-2004 @ 08:17:32 AM
Posted By : AtEase Reply | Edit | Del
#12 UN is anti-Israel? UN isn't doing shit to stop Israeli attacks in the West Bank or Gaza. They do pretty much what they want.

[Edited by AtEase on 10-05-2004 @ 08:22:16 AM]

10-05-2004 @ 08:48:07 AM
Posted By : kstagger Reply | Edit | Del
#15, because in reality the UN has very little power... Israel just ignores anything they say... much like Rwanda or Sudan where the UN did (or is doing) nothing.

Personally I think Israel has a right to defend itself against suicide bombers...

10-05-2004 @ 08:56:15 AM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#8, Kerry is all talk, IMO. Several politicians and leaders from France, Germany, and other such nations that aren't supporting us, have said that they won't change their position on helping us, no matter WHO'S our president. We cost France, Germany, and Russia billions because we got rid of a leader that they all huge oil contracts with... they won't forget that because of who is in office over here... they'll continue being the 5-year old boy whose ice cream scoop fell off his cone.

...and this whole thing about Kerry saying, "I've got this fantabulously wonderful idea how to fix all of our problems, but you have to elect me to find out what they are!"... that's like a car dealer saying, "Oh, this car has a LOT of performance, but I won't tell you how much until you buy it." ...even if the car in question is an Aveo.

#15, The UN doesn't really do much at all really, except provide a platform for pissed off countries to bitch about other countries.

10-05-2004 @ 09:46:30 AM
Posted By : kstagger Reply | Edit | Del
I guess my main point is - many people are getting very hysterical over this election. But I think the reality is - no matter who wins - you won't see much change. I mean did much change with Bill Clinton in office versus Bush I / Reagan? I must have missed the rainbows shooting overhead and the Unicorns tap dancing by my window.

When I was in college, I was pretty uber-left. I hung out with people who were very very very liberal... heck, I used to write a bit for a local socialist paper... but once I got out of college, got a job, house, family, etc - I swung more center/right - realizing that I probably won't change the world and I'm more interested in keeping my taxes low, and the goverment less in my life. Heck, I'm a somewhat Libertarian.

so I'll end this by quoting George Shaw - ""Any man who is not a communist at the age of twenty is a fool. Any man who is still a communist at the age of thirty is an even bigger fool.""

10-05-2004 @ 01:14:33 PM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
Even if bush leaves office, we'll still be in Iraq...????




10-05-2004 @ 01:52:59 PM
Posted By : DA_MAISTA Reply | Edit | Del
#17, Sorry to burst your bubble here, but the US is the little spoiled brat in this story. They wanted a war, they got it. Now theres the lamentation because all of a sudden theres real terrorists in that country and barely any petrol-dollars coming out. The oh-so cowardish Euro-trash governments said that before and guess what... they are still enough of a friend to the US to not mention it all the time.

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