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Final Stats:

Total Votes 1118
Average Score 5.33
Verdict Not Rice

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=549
Submitted by: Mac
Comments: 29  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 01-09-2002
View Stats Category: Car
ahhh yess


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1-09-2002 @ 08:08:53 PM
Posted By : Mac Reply | Edit | Del
a slightly squished jag s-type police cruiser lol

[Edited by Mac on 1-09-2002 @ 08:14:37 PM]

1-10-2002 @ 01:10:22 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
I think this Jag belongs to the R.C.M.P. (Royal Canandien Mounted Police)

1-10-2002 @ 07:23:15 PM
Posted By : FV Reply | Edit | Del
a police jaguar with a rainbow flag on the side...just when you thought you`ve seen them all

1-10-2002 @ 07:39:36 PM
Posted By : Asakha Reply | Edit | Del
Yup, this one's from RCMP. Why can't they still drive their Crown Victoria !?!? Cost much less !

1-10-2002 @ 07:39:53 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
The rainbow flag is the livery (paint scheme) of the R.C.M.P.

1-22-2002 @ 09:59:19 PM
Posted By : mikesrt Reply | Edit | Del
Some of the cop cars up here in the frozen north (Canada) come equiped with Nitrous. I dont know what kind of shot it is, prolly 50-75. Next time you think about running, just remember.

1-31-2002 @ 06:49:28 PM
Posted By : Jesuz Reply | Edit | Del
i sew a used cop car with NOS and a LT1 engine(if u dont know, it's a 4th gen camaro engine)+ centerline 17"s!! all for 12000 canadain in excellent condiction

2-01-2002 @ 02:02:43 AM
Posted By : mikesrt Reply | Edit | Del
We take things seriously up here. We dont mess around.

2-17-2002 @ 08:24:35 PM
Posted By : dogstar Reply | Edit | Del
yeah, us poor canadian speeders got it bad.
there are jags and volvos up here, and a few mustang and camaro pursuit cars, but if you come to Alberta, WATCH out, highway 2, between Edmonton and Calgary, is patrolled by a big black suburban, with four wheel drive, great handling and approx. 1000 horsepower.
ive seen it run down lambos, ferraris, and superbikes, so you know its fast.

2-17-2002 @ 08:25:24 PM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del

2-17-2002 @ 08:29:11 PM
Posted By : dogstar Reply | Edit | Del
have you ever been to alberta?

2-17-2002 @ 08:33:12 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
cams is from Australia...so I doubt he's been to Alberta.

2-17-2002 @ 08:35:47 PM
Posted By : dogstar Reply | Edit | Del
didnt figure as much
if you dont belive me, thats your choice, but theres a photo of a $70 000 odd dollar car in police livery right there, so that should give you a clue that cops got too much money in their purchasing budgets up here.

2-17-2002 @ 08:40:31 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
There's a police department in Georgia that has two Lexus SC400s (one white, one black) that both have the police department's logos on the doors, lightbars, and "Donated by Your Local Drug Dealer" written on the trunklid.

2-17-2002 @ 08:44:22 PM
Posted By : dogstar Reply | Edit | Del
lol, nice, the highway patrol in, i belive north carolina, correct me if im wrong, has a 95 bmw M5, confiscated from a speeder (sum big speeding ticket) and if you read muscle mustangs and fast fords, you might remember a little over a year ago, they had an article on 2 or 3 mustangs confiscated from street racers.

2-17-2002 @ 08:45:55 PM
Posted By : Jesuz Reply | Edit | Del
im my town, (a small town in BC) there is an undercover Excursion cop car. that thing is sceary ! there are couple explorer sport track too.

2-17-2002 @ 08:47:55 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
Confisgated cars make some of the coolest squad cars out there. Seeing those two Georgian SC400s was quite a site, wish I had a pic of them though... They used to be on http://www.CopCruisers.com , but that site is no more, oh well...

2-17-2002 @ 08:52:39 PM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
I was talking about seeing lambos. But yeah. Why do they have super cop cars. You lot all hoons or something.

2-17-2002 @ 08:52:43 PM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
I was talking about seeing lambos. But yeah. Why do they have super cop cars. You lot all hoons or something.

2-17-2002 @ 09:07:22 PM
Posted By : dogstar Reply | Edit | Del
well, there are a few lambos, mostly older, an f40 and i belive a maranello in Edmonton.
they need supercopcars because our highways are long and straight and people such as myself feel they are a good place to stretch a car's legs out somewhat.
i used to take my kawasaki out and try my damndest to peg the 200 mph speedo when i was younger and slightly more foolish, and i know a lot of import racers love to take runs down the highways at night.

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