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Final Stats:

Total Votes 1118
Average Score 5.33
Verdict Not Rice

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=549
Submitted by: Mac
Comments: 29  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 01-09-2002
View Stats Category: Car
ahhh yess


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2-17-2002 @ 11:18:38 PM
Posted By : mikesrt Reply | Edit | Del
In Surrey BC we had a gold flake colour Lexus with daytons and a gold chain stearing wheel. When it boxed me in I didnt know whether to put my hands up or haul out Louisville slugger.

2-18-2002 @ 12:22:37 PM
Posted By : 500plus Reply | Edit | Del
I had the displeasure of working on a Jag once. An '86 Vanden Plus. It was the most poorly designed pos I have ever seen. Constantly breaking down, impossible to work on, and full of inherant design problems such as oil leaks, internal coolant leaks, trim that kept falling off. Very expensive pos. I hope they are better today.

2-26-2002 @ 11:01:48 PM
Posted By : 500plus Reply | Edit | Del
cams116: I'm with you, I'm sure the story about the 1000 hp suburban is bs. I live in Edmonton, Alberta and I have driven this stretch of highway so many times I can't remember. What's more 1000 hp is not a number that belongs to ANYTHING driven on the street. Maybe, just maybe a blown 502 big block but I don't think the RCMP would bother with that. It doesn't make any sense. Things like helecopters and radio signals are much faster than any car.

2-26-2002 @ 11:15:49 PM
Posted By : cuda_man Reply | Edit | Del
most stanard police helecopters won't do about 150... they used one to film the Vanishing Point remake and the Challenger was runnin away for the helecopter@ 140....

2-26-2002 @ 11:46:52 PM
Posted By : 500plus Reply | Edit | Del
Yeah I've heard that helecoptors are not that fast but I wasn't too sure. A spiked belt and 6 police cars blocking the road will do the trick.

4-06-2002 @ 09:04:55 AM
Posted By : NOSsucks Reply | Edit | Del
I live in Forsyth County Ga. The sherrif dept. used to have a Volvo, but I think they were getting too much flak from the locals on wasting Tax dollars and had to get rid of it. Now they have two new cars a Ford Taurus that looks like a normal one from the front (no badges/lightbar) and a Ford Explorer with a weird ass lightbar that looks like a luggage rack, it scared the shit out of me the other day, looks like any other explorer from the front and back.

4-22-2002 @ 07:09:09 AM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
But hey all makes for a good story.

5-16-2002 @ 08:50:16 AM
Posted By : AtEase Reply | Edit | Del
Maybe they wanted handling as well as power? Just a thought...

6-13-2005 @ 12:09:00 PM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
I once saw an undercover cop in a Hyundai Excel. Not sure who he thought he could catch in that (this was in the early 90s before the ricer phenominon)

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