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Final Stats:

Total Votes 3
Average Score 1.33
Verdict Not Rice

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=70132
Submitted by: wannabemustangjockey
Comments: 12  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 01-18-2008
View Stats Category: Vehicle Group
Two loud, expensive vehicles.


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1-18-2008 @ 09:50:29 AM
Posted By : thirtyseven Reply | Edit | Del
neat pic.

you forgot rear engined.

[Edited by thirtyseven on 1-18-2008 @ 09:50:48 AM]

1-18-2008 @ 11:14:43 AM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
Hang me, but I'd rather have the CAT out of these two....at least if that Porsche is Tiptronic.

[Edited by Skid on 1-18-2008 @ 11:15:03 AM]

1-18-2008 @ 11:16:00 AM
Posted By : thirtyseven Reply | Edit | Del
#2, Red cabrio, most likely is.

I really dislike cab 911s.

1-18-2008 @ 11:17:18 AM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
I fancy a turbo 911 coupe or Cayman S for newer Porsches.

[Edited by Adambomb on 1-18-2008 @ 11:18:27 AM]

1-18-2008 @ 11:23:06 AM
Posted By : thirtyseven Reply | Edit | Del
#4, I fancy a graphite GT3 with custom brown/pigskin leather, tubi exhaust, PCCB brakes and a CGT shift knob.

1-18-2008 @ 11:24:17 AM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
I don't really fancy any newer Porsches....give me a silver 930 Turbo 3.3 with black interior and black Fuchs.

1-18-2008 @ 11:28:24 AM
Posted By : thirtyseven Reply | Edit | Del
#6, If we're talking classics give me a 2.7 RS or a 964RS.

1-18-2008 @ 01:39:01 PM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
#7, 917 Longtail in Gulf livery, either that or (gasp!) a 951 for me.

1-18-2008 @ 02:20:38 PM
Posted By : thirtyseven Reply | Edit | Del
#8, Well if we're talking race cars, yeah, I'll take a 917 too.

1-18-2008 @ 06:58:17 PM
Posted By : Disrupture Reply | Edit | Del
How did you manage to get that much focus on the Porsche ?

1-19-2008 @ 04:03:48 AM
Posted By : wannabemustangjockey  Reply | Edit | Del
#10, It was stopped at a red light. The CAT had just turned right, I think, so it was the only thing in the frame that was moving.

1-19-2008 @ 04:13:50 AM
Posted By : Sensekhmet Reply | Edit | Del
I'll just take the last air cooled Porka (964?), the basic version (Carrera 2?) would suffice. It can't be too rare, because I'd drive/race the fuck out of it.

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