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Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=10063
Submitted by: mr_mcmunkee
Comments: 23  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 1  (View)
Submitted on: 08-27-2002
View Stats Category: Caption Contest
My first caption contest submittal!


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8-27-2002 @ 03:43:34 PM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
Mommy dearest!
Votes for this entry: 0

8-27-2002 @ 03:48:44 PM
Posted By : stang392 Reply | Edit | Del
Guy 1 Why are we getting our pic taken with this fat ugly whoe?
Guy 2 Cause she said she would give both of us a new Civic if we did!
Guy 1 Once again why are we getting our pic taken with this fat ugly whoe cause a Civic sure isn't worth this

Votes for this entry: 0

8-27-2002 @ 03:48:51 PM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
These boys are nothing...where's that burning hunk of man named Jurrell that I saw in the parking lot?
Votes for this entry: 5

8-27-2002 @ 03:49:08 PM
Posted By : SuperDave479 Reply | Edit | Del
We both like her. She's a whole lotta woman and there is enough of her to go around.....
Votes for this entry: 0

8-27-2002 @ 03:49:17 PM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
#2, & #4 - Look closely at that WOMAN.

[Edited by mr_mcmunkee on 8-27-2002 @ 03:49:43 PM]

8-27-2002 @ 03:50:37 PM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
I knew we could make a fool out of Jerry if we gave him enough beer.
Votes for this entry: 0

8-27-2002 @ 04:35:55 PM
Posted By : SuperDave479 Reply | Edit | Del
Wow, one whole vote...

8-27-2002 @ 04:39:21 PM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
It looks like people are getting bored with caption contests already. :( I love them.

8-27-2002 @ 04:42:39 PM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
no, its that the guest can't vote....and if your a member that submitted a caption, you sure as hell ain't going to vote for someone elses stuff

8-27-2002 @ 07:05:45 PM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
Bet you can't find the woman in this picture.

That's because there is none.

note: Yes, I'm probably going to burn for that.

Votes for this entry: 0

8-27-2002 @ 07:08:58 PM
Posted By : Gaddzook51 Reply | Edit | Del
Guy on right : "Shit, This Lady has more chest hair than I do"

Votes for this entry: 3

8-27-2002 @ 08:59:05 PM
Posted By : dNiym Reply | Edit | Del
wonder who has the biggest dick
Votes for this entry: 0

8-30-2002 @ 11:04:16 AM
Posted By : 427 Vette Reply | Edit | Del
hey i think its anna nicole smiths mom!
Votes for this entry: 1

9-03-2002 @ 07:47:03 PM
Posted By : 427 Vette Reply | Edit | Del
if i had a million dollars......

10-19-2002 @ 09:44:00 AM
Posted By : 95T-Bird Reply | Edit | Del
Guy 1: Why are with the fat chic?
Guy 2: She said she like our civic.
Guy 1: Oh ya. All the good ones went with the dude who had the 70 Charger.

Votes for this entry: 0

11-11-2002 @ 03:15:56 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
THE DYNAMIC TRIO: The lead singer to Queens of the Stone Age. A cross-dresser. And a scary Middle-Eastern guy. When they get together, evildoers don't stand a chance....
Votes for this entry: 0

10-23-2003 @ 11:27:49 PM
Posted By : Entropy156 Reply | Edit | Del
This is what happens when you use double coupons at a strip club.
Votes for this entry: 0

10-11-2006 @ 07:25:48 PM
Posted By : Altima35se2003 Reply | Edit | Del
name three thing mc munkee hates:


Votes for this entry: 3

10-11-2006 @ 07:29:03 PM
Posted By : thirtyseven Reply | Edit | Del
#18, terrists
critical thought
the French

Votes for this entry: 0

10-11-2006 @ 07:37:12 PM
Posted By : Altima35se2003 Reply | Edit | Del
#19, need to be entry foo!!!! I'll vote!

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