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Final Stats:

Total Votes 244
Average Score 5.78
Verdict Rice

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=10282
Submitted by: motopsycho
Comments: 20  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 08-31-2002
View Stats Category: Car
Brand New! Never been titled 1999 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4.


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8-31-2002 @ 08:48:02 PM
Posted By : motopsycho Reply | Edit | Del

i know someone's going to give it a 10 because of that STOCK spoiler.

8-31-2002 @ 08:53:09 PM
Posted By : Lebo Reply | Edit | Del
nice rims...

8-31-2002 @ 08:55:02 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
The spoiler is still ugly as all-hell.

8-31-2002 @ 08:55:31 PM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
where was it?? In a warehouse for 3 years?

8-31-2002 @ 08:56:43 PM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
whoops, just read...He needs to sell it in a automobile auction, like with those million dollar car ones

8-31-2002 @ 08:57:39 PM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
but that can't be good for the engine, 3 years of just sitting there, poor bugger

8-31-2002 @ 10:39:02 PM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
I once saw a 1986 Dodge Daytona for sale on ebay and it had only about 50 or so miles on it and had never been registered the ad said that it was the lowest milage Daytona in the world

11-19-2002 @ 03:12:32 PM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
#7, Ooooooh, that's special.

12-14-2002 @ 04:09:39 PM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
#7, Beat this!!!

I saw a never titled 1974 Pinto Htachback for sale 1 mile, and asking $25,000

3-26-2003 @ 08:40:00 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
#7, I'd never want to drive it. That makes it all historically significant and stuff.

4-19-2003 @ 03:57:16 PM
Posted By : motopsycho Reply | Edit | Del
#9, you're a god damn retard.

4-19-2003 @ 03:57:51 PM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
#11, Well, somebody had to say it.

4-19-2003 @ 03:59:22 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
I think it's a physical impossiblity to have a car that old with only 1 mile on it. They have to be driven onto trailers, into lots, all that key shit.

4-19-2003 @ 04:00:38 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
#13 i think pretty much every car had 1 mile on it at one point

4-19-2003 @ 04:02:07 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
#14, But it would not have *only* one mile on it. Most new cars you buy from dealerships already have something like 50 miles on them.

[Edited by Skid on 4-19-2003 @ 04:02:34 PM]

4-19-2003 @ 04:02:32 PM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
#14, Yes, but that is unlikely to be the case once the car in question has reached a dealer's lot.

4-19-2003 @ 04:03:22 PM
Posted By : motopsycho Reply | Edit | Del
#13, my point exactly.

4-19-2003 @ 04:05:04 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
Of course, I saw a '66 Mustang coupe once (in some Mustang collector's collection) with only 8 actual miles on it, so it may be possible. I just don't know how the hell they would manage one mile.

4-19-2003 @ 05:31:58 PM
Posted By : solid_snake Reply | Edit | Del
#18, pick it up and carry it?

6-18-2003 @ 05:23:41 PM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
and 10 years ago I saw an ad for a 79 olds omega that had sat on the dealers lot since it was new and it said it was all rusty and there were probably creatures living in it and it had flat tires i believe

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