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Final Stats:

Total Votes 256
Average Score 6.71
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Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=1096
Submitted by: Jesuz
Comments: 35  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 02-17-2002
View Stats Category: Photoshop/Art
the hood says,


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2-17-2002 @ 06:19:51 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
Now, is that painted on the hood, or is it a see-through hood?

2-17-2002 @ 06:24:38 PM
Posted By : Jesuz Reply | Edit | Del
see though

2-17-2002 @ 06:27:19 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
Oh ok, thanks. The reason I asked is because there ARE cars that have the hoods painted to look like they're see-through. I know that there is a Mercedes CLK that races in the German DTM touring car championship that has it's hood painted like that. Rather, the whole entire front section of the car is designed to look like the front end has blown up, revealing the engine. It's a really cool looking race car.

2-17-2002 @ 06:28:21 PM
Posted By : Jesuz Reply | Edit | Del
i know what u talking about

2-17-2002 @ 07:06:54 PM
Posted By : GhettoGlider Reply | Edit | Del
that isnt a real clear hood.. dont know how it was done photoshop or paint. if it is a clear hood why cant u see the bottom half of the passenger side wiper arm?

2-17-2002 @ 07:12:41 PM
Posted By : Jesuz Reply | Edit | Del
i thought of that(i mean, if it's clear, there is no suport in the middle of the hood= it's gonna bend) but those ricers said it is clear, and it's a hot thing in the import world(import world my ass)...so..i dont know

2-17-2002 @ 07:16:34 PM
Posted By : Asakha Reply | Edit | Del
Well, if it's real, where are the hooks to hold it there ? Like you said Jesuz, since there's no support, we would see something that pass thru the hood say it doesn't flip when driving ! I'll go with the fake...

2-17-2002 @ 07:43:22 PM
Posted By : Jesuz Reply | Edit | Del
i dont know...i think it's fake, but many ricers say it's real

2-17-2002 @ 07:47:39 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
Well, anyway, ricer cars' engines don't have enough mass to be able to poke out of the top of the hood to look cool, so they have to make their engines visible in other ways. Ricers say that old V8 muscle cars are stupid, but they get most of their ideas from the VERY SAME muscle cars (wings, visible engines, racing stripes, hood pins, etc, etc...) but they don't put these ideas to use on cars that are right for those kinds of modifications.

[Edited by DiRF on 2-17-2002 @ 07:47:57 PM]

2-17-2002 @ 07:55:21 PM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
The photo is double exposed. In other words one photo taken without the hood and then another with it down. But both photos are taken on the same part of flim.

2-17-2002 @ 07:56:51 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
Now THAT makes sense. It does look like that is the case. Good thinkin' cams.

2-17-2002 @ 07:57:53 PM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
Also a handy for when u need a photo of two family members when they are fighting. =)

2-17-2002 @ 07:58:56 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del

2-17-2002 @ 08:10:24 PM
Posted By : Jesuz Reply | Edit | Del
double exposed is one way, but not likely in this case, cuz the picture is so sharp. he could over lay 2 picture and do that in photo shop(like ImportTurner cover cars)
but the hood could be real

2-17-2002 @ 08:17:58 PM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
What with the edges painted black or something like that.

2-17-2002 @ 08:28:49 PM
Posted By : dogstar Reply | Edit | Del
this one looks real, and ive seen something like it in a speed parts store.
costy, around 500 bucks tho, and yes, on the one i saw, the edges were fogged with body color paint, black on one, and genuine honda yellow on another.
there was no support in the center, but on the front there was some kinda hook for holding it down.

2-17-2002 @ 09:59:16 PM
Posted By : CRXtrackguy Reply | Edit | Del
needs to get rid of that stock airbox... not conducive to being fast. if it was painted i'd have em paint a big ol turbo and custom everything, but this is just see thru, which is alright. actually looks kinda neat

2-17-2002 @ 11:05:39 PM
Posted By : speedkills Reply | Edit | Del
Trooper posted a link to a clear hood site not too long ago...

2-17-2002 @ 11:10:06 PM
Posted By : Jesuz Reply | Edit | Del
whats' the link?

2-17-2002 @ 11:12:00 PM
Posted By : speedkills Reply | Edit | Del
somethin' like www.showum.com. I forgot, but its somewhere in the "old news" sections

[edit] its actually www.sho-um.com

[Edited by speedkills on 2-17-2002 @ 11:15:07 PM]

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