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Final Stats:

Total Votes 256
Average Score 6.71
Verdict Bad

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=1096
Submitted by: Jesuz
Comments: 35  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 02-17-2002
View Stats Category: Photoshop/Art
the hood says,


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2-17-2002 @ 11:12:27 PM
Posted By : mikesrt Reply | Edit | Del
Wheres the filter on a stick???? It cant be a race car...I mean rice car without a filter on a stick. Thats good for like 60 horse.

2-22-2002 @ 05:54:22 AM
Posted By : dirtybird Reply | Edit | Del
well at least u dont have to ask "whats under the hood" anymore

2-22-2002 @ 06:20:18 AM
Posted By : Jesuz Reply | Edit | Del
a Cold air intake adds another 50hp.

2-25-2002 @ 06:09:54 PM
Posted By : Mad Max Reply | Edit | Del
It's real, but you can't drive the car with it on. That's why there's no latch. This is easily the most useless mod I've ever seen. Now, my dad used to have a '54 Ford with a clear hood to show the new OHV engine, but that was because his dad worked in the dealership and had access to display stuff like that. He didn't pay a dime for it, and also the hood was tough enough for the car to be driven with it on. I wish he still had that car... it'd be worth a mint just for that hood.

2-25-2002 @ 06:11:29 PM
Posted By : CRXtrackguy Reply | Edit | Del
oh, max. CRacer (who hasn't posted again, hehe) was on 612. i found it.

3-14-2002 @ 03:22:52 PM
Posted By : Boost420a Reply | Edit | Del
You people are looking into this FAR too much. This hood is photoshopped. people do it all the time.
You put the camera on a tripod, take a picture of the car with the hood down, and then with the hood up or off. In photoshop, there is a tool called rubber stamp. You just copy the engine from the picture with the hood off, and "stamp", or apply the same image over the hood on the other picture.

I can't believe you guys are fighting over something stupid like this. It is one of the most basic tools in photoshop.

3-14-2002 @ 03:23:57 PM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
or is it????

5-01-2002 @ 09:27:54 PM
Posted By : Mad Max Reply | Edit | Del
It may well be photoshopped. But that doesn't change the fact that riceboys spend significant amounts of money on hoods like this.

6-07-2002 @ 04:02:26 PM
Posted By : devious Reply | Edit | Del
Hey, I kinda like that.

6-07-2002 @ 04:05:40 PM
Posted By : GTStreet777 Reply | Edit | Del
It even says photoshop in the description.

6-07-2002 @ 04:09:31 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
I recategorized it as photoshop after the discussion we had on this car.

6-10-2002 @ 01:00:24 AM
Posted By : noname Reply | Edit | Del
it looks like it has support in the middle

6-10-2002 @ 01:09:33 AM
Posted By : Mad Max Reply | Edit | Del

6-10-2002 @ 01:10:01 AM
Posted By : vdubs Reply | Edit | Del
other than the hood, thats a pretty clean car, except the rebadging, unless its a type r....i'd jack his wheels :)

[Edited by vdubs on 6-10-2002 @ 01:10:15 AM]

7-28-2002 @ 11:01:39 PM
Posted By : comradesampo Reply | Edit | Del
#8: "i dont know...i think it's fake, but many ricers say it's real"

Ricers will also say their Prelude VTEC Type-R is real, too.

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