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Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=17763
Submitted by: mr_mcmunkee
Comments: 215  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 6  (View)
Submitted on: 01-23-2003
View Stats Category: Car
Ok, I'm taking a big risk here, because I KNOW you guys will see a little yellow and scream rice, but this was the Neon I traded in for my (completely stock) ZX2. I had a NICE sounding exhaust on it (no farting, nice deep tone), 15" rims with fat tires, a complete black tweed interior (done by myself and a friend) and a few minor performance parts, but I kept in mind...it's a Neon, not a racecar!


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10-13-2006 @ 12:55:20 AM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
#199, you honestly wanna see? It's in his profile under caption contest.

10-13-2006 @ 12:57:48 AM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
behold the mr and mrs. mcfuglee

10-13-2006 @ 12:58:23 AM
Posted By : Altima35se2003 Reply | Edit | Del
#202, not as funny as I remembered

10-13-2006 @ 12:59:08 AM
Posted By : thirtyseven Reply | Edit | Del
#202, I'd love to see her take anal from a black felon while McMunkee had to watch.

10-13-2006 @ 12:59:43 AM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
#204, ahahahahha.

11-21-2006 @ 04:03:47 PM
Posted By : Disrupture Reply | Edit | Del
#204, That would be hilarious !!!

12-07-2006 @ 01:50:31 AM
Posted By : motopsycho Reply | Edit | Del
#204, LOL!!!!! Well look what popped up.

2-08-2007 @ 07:54:49 PM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del

12-28-2007 @ 01:16:23 AM
Posted By : 89Rettagt Reply | Edit | Del
oh humors.

hey, it popped up.

8-19-2008 @ 06:31:58 PM
Posted By : MxCx Reply | Edit | Del

5-28-2009 @ 02:39:36 AM
Posted By : wannabemustangjockey  Reply | Edit | Del
#204, Am I missing something? Why do I not find that funny?

5-28-2009 @ 04:44:14 AM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
#211, 'Cause you a busta.

4-26-2011 @ 09:22:20 PM
Posted By : solid_snake Reply | Edit | Del
also, dude kinda looks like Justin Long, we ran the mac kid off

4-12-2020 @ 06:47:17 PM
Posted By : motopsycho Reply | Edit | Del
in retrospect, i feel bad for mcdumpy.
we all do stupid things one time or another. but damn if we all don't look like McLovin growing up. poor bastard.

6-29-2024 @ 04:15:32 AM
Posted By : wannabemustangjockey  Reply | Edit | Del
Oh hey, nice Regal.

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