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Final Stats:

Total Votes 287
Average Score 8.22
Verdict Rice

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=7832
Submitted by: cams116
Comments: 33  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 07-12-2002
View Stats Category: Car
No description


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10-02-2002 @ 01:16:07 PM
Posted By : TinIndian Reply | Edit | Del
No, if that happens I just...
A) press the accelerator
B) brake-check him
C) C and A
D) get out and slap him in the mouth.
But it would be nice to lead one through there. Thanx for the idea.

10-02-2002 @ 01:17:58 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del

10-02-2002 @ 01:20:11 PM
Posted By : TinIndian Reply | Edit | Del
Ooopa, I meant B an A, not C and A.

10-02-2002 @ 01:21:34 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
well. just doing A would get rid of him wouldn't it?.

10-02-2002 @ 01:23:12 PM
Posted By : TinIndian Reply | Edit | Del
#24 If it wouldn't, you're drivin' the wrong car. =)

10-02-2002 @ 01:24:15 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
with a 1965 Tempest. i think you're driving anything but the wrong car.

10-02-2002 @ 01:26:56 PM
Posted By : TinIndian Reply | Edit | Del
#26 Yeah, but she's gone soon *whimpers*.

10-02-2002 @ 01:27:44 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
how so?.

10-02-2002 @ 01:27:52 PM
Posted By : stang392 Reply | Edit | Del
#27, find a buyer?

10-02-2002 @ 01:30:05 PM
Posted By : TinIndian Reply | Edit | Del
#28 Sellin' her.
#29 Got a guy who's supposed to look at her today, if not LTR says he's interested.

10-02-2002 @ 01:32:29 PM
Posted By : stang392 Reply | Edit | Del

10-02-2002 @ 01:34:11 PM
Posted By : TinIndian Reply | Edit | Del
Yeah, but I'm gonna miss her. Should've listened to my better judgement and walked away in the beginning. Ah, well....... better to have loved and lost, they say......

10-02-2002 @ 11:39:41 PM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
#19, The new 'hoon' hang out has more speed bumps than anywhere else, so yeah that could be why I have never seen this car.

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