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Final Stats:

Total Votes 287
Average Score 8.22
Verdict Rice

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=7832
Submitted by: cams116
Comments: 33  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 07-12-2002
View Stats Category: Car
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7-12-2002 @ 10:55:51 AM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
What the rear end did look like. http://www.aresspeed.com.au/images/vs-30x-pwht-r.jpg

7-12-2002 @ 11:05:52 AM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
LOOK AT ALL OF THOSE PARKING TICKETS!! They must ticket for parking diagonally now...or maybe just for parking an ugly car within city limits.

7-12-2002 @ 11:57:19 AM
Posted By : RadCcab Reply | Edit | Del
Very cool cow plow on the front... looks like he found his effex at the train yard.

7-12-2002 @ 11:59:47 AM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
Does anybody know what that metal thing under the front of the bodykit is? Y'know, the thing those turnbuckles are holding up? Is that supposed to be some kind of ground-effects "spoiler" thing?

7-12-2002 @ 12:01:25 PM
Posted By : RadCcab Reply | Edit | Del
They look like "trim tabs" off a boat to me.

7-12-2002 @ 12:02:42 PM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
Actually, they do. Wonder if this helps the front end lift faster :P

7-12-2002 @ 04:53:00 PM
Posted By : fordtacomaz Reply | Edit | Del
YOU DONT DO THAT TO AN MX-3!!! at first i thought it was a camaro...

7-13-2002 @ 12:07:31 AM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
MX-3 wtf? Its a eunos something.

7-13-2002 @ 12:08:23 AM
Posted By : CRXtrackguy Reply | Edit | Del
It's an MX-3. I think you're thinking of the Eunos Roadster, aka MX-5, aka Miata.

7-13-2002 @ 12:08:40 AM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
lol, I though you said Peunos, I think it is a MX-3

7-13-2002 @ 12:08:51 AM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
Well, its been bastardized, that's for sure

7-13-2002 @ 12:18:32 AM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
Im am not thinging of the eunos roadster as we just have MX-5s. This is not a MX-3 over here, its a eunos. Strange but ture.

7-13-2002 @ 12:19:09 AM
Posted By : CRXtrackguy Reply | Edit | Del
ok. For future reference, aussie Eunos = American MX-3

10-01-2002 @ 08:26:08 AM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
Whoa. New #1 Ricer. I didn't expect this.

10-01-2002 @ 08:35:21 AM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
Yeah, but I'd say it's fairly deserving.

10-01-2002 @ 08:36:31 AM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
Oh yeah, very deserving. I just forgot about this car.

(Are those ricecop tickets on the windshield? We can only hope)

10-02-2002 @ 01:07:50 PM
Posted By : lennier Reply | Edit | Del
Looks like a fecking Robin Reliant.. Pardon me whilst I vomit.

Can anyone be so stupid? I mean if he hits so much as one large stone by mistake, there goes all his rather dumb looking pointless bumper kit or whatever.

10-02-2002 @ 01:10:37 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
mighty nice snow plow yea' got their son!.

10-02-2002 @ 01:11:50 PM
Posted By : TinIndian Reply | Edit | Del
I know of a place with many vicious speed bumps..... MWWWUUUUUUUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

10-02-2002 @ 01:13:10 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
#19. if you're ever being "chased" by a ricer". just lead them there.

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