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Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=78496
Submitted by: Adambomb
Comments: 22  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 05-14-2009
View Stats Category: Car


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5-15-2009 @ 02:37:14 AM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
Is that silver area on the tires overspray from when the wheels were painted?

5-15-2009 @ 06:56:21 AM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
Most likely, you know, I'm insane enough to own and drive one of these if given the chance.

5-15-2009 @ 02:23:26 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
#2, Same.

5-15-2009 @ 02:25:38 PM
Posted By : Sensekhmet Reply | Edit | Del
#3, Having grown up with them on the streets... I would not. However, there were race/rally versions with their two-strokers really tuned.

5-15-2009 @ 02:40:52 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#4, I don't think I ever caught how old you are... were you old enough to understand what was going on in 1989, how your country's rule of government was completely overthrown and replaced with a new one?

5-15-2009 @ 07:18:05 PM
Posted By : Sensekhmet Reply | Edit | Del
#5, Long story. Born in 1982, 10th of november. I'm a 'martial state generation', a year before general Jaruzelski introduced martial state and tanks started to roll down the streets, and by the 31st of december 1982 martial state was 'suspended', but things were still bad. There was a stamp system for everything from baby blankets to fuel: but even if you had stamps the shelves were usually empty. I faintly remember standing for hours in enormous queues, sorrounded by a mass of gray, sad people. I remember powder milk that tasted like shit. I also remember that once a year the foundry where my dad used to work made packages for kids, with stuff like real milk chocolate and sometimes even an orange. A lot of kids got sick because they didn't know you had to peel the skin off, they just ate it like an apple. Speaking of queues, I recall waiting with my dad on the side of the road in his little Fiat 126 in huge lines of cars waiting for the tanker to deliver at least some fuel to the gas station. On that day my father finally got some extra fuel stamps after filing a written request with the local magistrate: he wanted to visit his father who was ill and lived some 300km from our town. IIRC, the gas run out about 5 cars before us and we waited since dad left work (3-4 p.m.) until the dusk. I knew nothing about politics, even though it turnes out my parents supported Solidarity and even hid some illegal texts in our flat. So, what's the impact all of this had on me? 1st, I'm incredibly impatient. I hate queueing and waiting in general: when I have to wait I can almost hear my life tick away. 2nd, I had to suffer an education by the people form the old days: if you didn't fit the template, you were hammered back in place. The aim of school was not to show you what you could do, it was to point out what you couldn't and what an idiot you were. Nobody tought us how to think and how to study: we were only though how to repeat information like machines. In the past I considered myself a smart kid, I liked to write stories and draw. Today when I have to study I get physically sick: makes writing that goddamn master's that much harder. 3rd, I deeply hate incompetence, corruption and hypocrisy: all of the stuff communism stood for. And the impact on the country? Well, 50 years under Soviet rule turned Poland into a land of sad, pessimistic, inert thieves and drunkards, with no respect for law and no care for the other man. Homo Sovieticus some call it. Of course, not all people are like that but a lot are. Things are changing but I think at least few generations have been wasted, and next ones will still bear the poison. Maybe in another 50 years we will become what we were before... boastful fun-loving drunkards with a pedigree for foolish heroism XD

5-15-2009 @ 07:46:45 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#6, Damn dude... I wasn't expecting such a verbose reply, but I appreciate it. Neat insights you've conveyed.

5-15-2009 @ 11:17:02 PM
Posted By : 454Nova Reply | Edit | Del
that's a goofy ass site, but there are some interesting cars there... if nothing else

5-15-2009 @ 11:36:08 PM
Posted By : Low-Tech Redneck Reply | Edit | Del
#6, If I ever meet you, I am so going to buy you a beer, and you can borrow my car keys anytime.

5-16-2009 @ 04:55:42 AM
Posted By : Sensekhmet Reply | Edit | Del
#9, Well thank you. It's hard to believe just how much things have changed since 1989. Take my family for example. My mother was a nurse and my father a heavy industry worker (he was what you'd call a low/mid-level foreman I think, but still), all state owned. Our flat was state owned. The car we had wasn't just bought, we had to queue and pay in advance in a some sort of sick lottery.
And now? In these years we had 6 cars, for a few years now 2 simultanously but at one point we had 3. We bought the flat back and redecorated it a few times. We spend each summer on the coast, we vote , we can go abroad whenever we wish. We have a stationary phone, 3 mobiles, DSL internet, 2 computers, 2 bicycles, a parrot and my two cups I won while engaging in MOTORSPORT. Truly amazing when I look back, too bad few people have such a long memeory and appreciate what we have now.

5-16-2009 @ 06:50:16 AM
Posted By : 454Nova Reply | Edit | Del
#10, I just read your paragraph... there are TONS of people in the US that could benefit from the perspective seeing some of those things could give a person. Your story reminds me of a guy I knew in art school who grew up in Turkey (if I remember correctly) around the time that Soviet rule ended there. He told me that when the Soviet army left, they just walked out... leaving all of their tanks, guns, and whatever in the military stations. He remembers seeing civilians driving tanks around town and toting machine guns!

The main thing I remember about that dude is his constant need to remind me that Americans are "fat and lazy." I agree with LTR, there would be at least one round on me!

5-16-2009 @ 02:10:44 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
#11, The "fat and lazy" thing kind of pisses me off. Technically, Americans put in more hours and work harder than the citizens of any other first world nation, including even the traditionally hard-working Japanese. Hell, I used to work with a guy who had four jobs, and worked over 100 hours a week.

Granted, we were never invaded by the Soviets, or under communist rule, but lazy we aren't.

5-16-2009 @ 02:46:11 PM
Posted By : moparman Reply | Edit | Del
#12, Same here, all the full time jobs I've ever had I worked 55 hours a week minimum. Along with everyone else in those jobs. Very few people complained about the hours or the work, we all saved the bitching for the pay.

5-16-2009 @ 04:03:15 PM
Posted By : 454Nova Reply | Edit | Del
just relaying a story... he was an alright guy. I'm not going to get pissed off about other countries stereotypes about americans... because we shit on pretty much every other country out there!

5-17-2009 @ 02:03:25 PM
Posted By : Sensekhmet Reply | Edit | Del
Whenever someone over here starts the old 'fat, lazy, stupid Americans' rant I simply tell them too look where are they now compared to us. I know US is not perfect but I'd still like to visit it some day, as my dad would. Yeah, you sometimes come off as ignorant and in-your-face (sorry) but there's no denying your democratic tradition*, scientific and technical achievements** and he fact that the world looks the way it does and is mainly a free world thanks to you***.
* You have a very active society and the sheer number of non-government activist grups/communities is amazing.
** 'But X was from Y, not from America!!!' Yeah, maybe he was but for some reason he could only contribute to science/society/humanity in the US. Strange that, huh?
*** Politics are too complicated for me but fuck: those world wars were won thanks to you.

5-17-2009 @ 02:11:50 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
In all honesty, WWI, we kinda showed up late to the party, Britain was there sweeping up the mess (with brooms and scrubbers we had given him years prior), said, "Hey, how's it going? Can we join the party?" and Britain just kinda shrugs his shoulders and says, "Sure. Whatever."

...and actually, WWII, all we really did in Europe was stop the Germans from moving forward... the Russians are the ones that toppled Germany. Though, yes, we did pull a lot of our own weight in the Pacific when it came to battling the Japanese.

[Edited by DiRF on 5-17-2009 @ 02:21:12 PM]

5-19-2009 @ 12:17:22 AM
Posted By : Subourbon187 Reply | Edit | Del
There's a trabant in this picture?

[Edited by Subourbon187 on 5-19-2009 @ 12:17:33 AM]

5-19-2009 @ 09:28:36 PM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
#17, Apparently

BTW-where are these fat and lazy Americans, I want to see them :P

[Edited by Adambomb on 5-19-2009 @ 09:31:22 PM]

5-20-2009 @ 01:42:21 AM
Posted By : Subourbon187 Reply | Edit | Del
#18, *Looks in mirror*

Found one!

5-20-2009 @ 10:49:11 AM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del

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