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URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=3044
Submitted by: Lebo
Comments: 42  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 2  (View)
Submitted on: 04-03-2002
View Stats Category: Vehicle Misc
Clarion's 1000watt 32" Subwoofer...lol


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4-03-2002 @ 11:32:47 PM
Posted By : Jesuz Reply | Edit | Del
dealer sells men:" it comes with an optional sola power chinese cooking wurk...."

4-03-2002 @ 11:37:07 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
now the amount of weight that thing is?.

4-03-2002 @ 11:37:59 PM
Posted By : CRXtrackguy Reply | Edit | Del
I knew a guy who wanted one of those. He drove a '96 monte carlo ls. It would have taken up the trunk AND the backseat.

4-03-2002 @ 11:40:21 PM
Posted By : Lebo Reply | Edit | Del
like this one does? :)

4-04-2002 @ 12:39:54 AM
Posted By : camaroRS Reply | Edit | Del
1000 watt sub??? holy shit!!

4-04-2002 @ 02:01:53 AM
Posted By : hoodigah Reply | Edit | Del
Seems like it would be kinda hard to drive, seeing how you can't get the seat up. :)

4-04-2002 @ 08:51:16 AM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
1000 watts is not that impressive, especially considering the size of this POS. This is so pointless...I could hook up three 10's that would sound better than this and you could tuckk them all behind the back seat with plenty of trunk room left. Notice how everything is getting bigger? Subs...rims...SUV's...body kits...America has some obsession with trying to prove that "my toys are bigger than yours". There must be something in the water making guy's penises smaller.

4-16-2002 @ 09:59:16 PM
Posted By : Mad Max Reply | Edit | Del

4-16-2002 @ 10:00:48 PM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
Can you still hear the mid range and treble with this thing. I think not.

4-16-2002 @ 10:02:52 PM
Posted By : Mad Max Reply | Edit | Del
Hey, for riceboys, it's not about fidelity, it's about BOOOOOOMMMM!!!! Plus, with this, they can ignore the fact that their exhausts are emitting the brown noise.

4-16-2002 @ 10:03:30 PM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del

4-16-2002 @ 10:03:34 PM
Posted By : Asakha Reply | Edit | Del
1000W isn't impressive at all...
Future Shop is selling 12" sub that can handle that...
He's better to keep is trunk open if he puts that full power though... The blast would blow it away otherwise !

4-16-2002 @ 10:07:46 PM
Posted By : cams116 Reply | Edit | Del
The other thing loudness isnt all about how many watts. Our home system is only 30watts RMS and its damn loud. My hate to say it ricer mate has RF subs running a 600watt amp and it sucks. At least thats what I think its a nice sound and all but for the power its running its not that loud.

4-16-2002 @ 10:15:34 PM
Posted By : Asakha Reply | Edit | Del
That's sure... The subs and amps sold for ricer are quite cheap. They are made for very low frequencies (even some that we can't hear...). And the difference between 30W and 600W is about 15dB (power doubles for each 3dB). So you won't hear much difference, it's louder, but nothing that worth the cash for that...

5-01-2002 @ 04:25:57 PM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
I had a friend who shattered the hatch of a Mustang (late 80's -early 90's) with 2 10 inch subs. This thing will cause more damage than pleasure.

5-01-2002 @ 04:29:20 PM
Posted By : import Reply | Edit | Del
a 1000 watts for a 32" sub i don't think so learn ur shit buddy. the mtx rfl 15 inch sub can hold 4,000 watts.

5-03-2002 @ 05:45:32 PM
Posted By : Lebo Reply | Edit | Del
sorry, bud. learn YOUR shit before you talk it. the mtx rfl is a completely different kind of sub, meant to be loud. this sub, on the other hand, is meant to shell out only very deep very low bass, 20hz @120dB, thus only needing 1000w....its a huge waste of money either way...

5-05-2002 @ 04:05:23 PM
Posted By : ginsu417 Reply | Edit | Del
I'd like to pop in a SoSoDef Bass Allstars CD and see this thing crack the windows and blow the doors off. I think that'd be a cool thing to watch.

7-01-2002 @ 12:03:19 AM
Posted By : GMer Reply | Edit | Del
1000 watts fucking sucks
check out the stats for the MTX RFL (rfl means really fking loud)

7-01-2002 @ 12:03:21 AM
Posted By : GMer Reply | Edit | Del
1000 watts fucking sucks
check out the stats for the MTX RFL (rfl means really fking loud)
it can handle 5,000+ watts, and that is a 12" inch sub! clarion's subs suck

[Edited by GMer on 7-01-2002 @ 12:04:03 AM]

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