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Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=61959
Submitted by: 427 Vette
Comments: 12  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 1  (View)
Submitted on: 03-27-2007
View Stats Category: Car
Klean ol' skool Z



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3-27-2007 @ 08:28:14 PM
Posted By : Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
Sans the front lip - but how the hell did Nissan lose their way?! You can't make a 350Z look good (except as a Infiniti G) and yet this cruddy old box looks a million times better!

[Edited by Obsidian on 3-27-2007 @ 08:28:47 PM]

3-27-2007 @ 08:30:01 PM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
#1, yes.

3-27-2007 @ 08:33:36 PM
Posted By : Disrupture Reply | Edit | Del
#1, This 54991 and some other 427 posted 350Zs looks good.. Depends on your personnal tastes I guess.

3-27-2007 @ 08:52:57 PM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
#3, yes but I like these when done right better.

3-28-2007 @ 01:09:59 AM
Posted By : Subourbon187 Reply | Edit | Del
I believe all Z's are great looking cars, each have their own faults and strongpoints. Some purists don't like the big bumpers on the 260Z or the 2+2 style of the 300ZX, but it's all really a matter of opinion.

3-28-2007 @ 01:19:00 AM
Posted By : Altima35se2003 Reply | Edit | Del
#5, word up

3-28-2007 @ 02:14:19 AM
Posted By : Muntz05 Reply | Edit | Del
#1, i can safely say i disagree with you 100%

9-25-2007 @ 01:42:56 AM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del

9-25-2007 @ 02:02:56 AM
Posted By : Altima35se2003 Reply | Edit | Del
#7, you'd fit in anywhere but toronto in canada :)

5-07-2016 @ 12:53:59 AM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
Best Z imo

5-07-2016 @ 01:24:35 AM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
I like 240Zs and 280ZXs, myself.

6-30-2024 @ 11:01:25 PM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
I still adore these

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