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Final Stats:

Total Votes 4
Average Score 3.25
Verdict Not Rice

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=76184
Submitted by: 427 Vette
Comments: 14  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 09-24-2008
View Stats Category: Car
Blinged Challenger SRT8 with Will Castro from 'Unique Whips' next to it.


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9-24-2008 @ 09:57:38 PM
Posted By : Driven_out Reply | Edit | Del
Unique whips, Makin' more generic shit one episode at a time.

9-24-2008 @ 10:21:34 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
I've never even watched the show, I hate it purely from the title.

How the hell is this still on the air, but Sports Car Revolution isn't?

9-24-2008 @ 10:48:07 PM
Posted By : wannabemustangjockey  Reply | Edit | Del
#2, Kind of like how Comcast gave us hundreds of channels that suck, then took away Speed Channel and told us we could have it back for an extra 10 or so bucks a month on top of the already-exorbitant monthly bill?

9-25-2008 @ 12:09:44 AM
Posted By : Subourbon187 Reply | Edit | Del
You know, it's bad enough that television is being dumbed down, but do they really have to do it to car modification too? I know it's a few decades too late to complain, but I hate how everyone's emphasizing this kind of shit. It's like why bother doing something actually "unique" when you can just have MTV tell you if your car is cool or not.

9-25-2008 @ 06:40:56 AM
Posted By : MxCx Reply | Edit | Del

9-25-2008 @ 10:54:44 AM
Posted By : Subourbon187 Reply | Edit | Del
#5, Forgive me for having an IQ above 72

9-25-2008 @ 07:48:05 PM
Posted By : MxCx Reply | Edit | Del
#6, Point proven.

9-26-2008 @ 12:36:41 AM
Posted By : Subourbon187 Reply | Edit | Del
#7, You can't seriously tell me that you can watch VH1 or MTV or any reality show involving snide young douchebags and not think that stupidity is glamorized.

9-26-2008 @ 08:32:01 AM
Posted By : MxCx Reply | Edit | Del
#8, Tell me you dont approach all aspects of the modern world with such a narrow view of things.

9-26-2008 @ 01:16:02 PM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
#9, I would, but I'd be lying :P

9-26-2008 @ 04:06:10 PM
Posted By : Sensekhmet Reply | Edit | Del
#4, Unique does not always equal pretty.

9-27-2008 @ 03:31:41 AM
Posted By : Subourbon187 Reply | Edit | Del
#9, Well you see, I'm very white, that's what comes with a Polish and German background. And when people start in with their fancy talking and baggy clothes, I get scared and have to retreat back to my sweater vests and Barry Manilow. Please forgive my uncouth assumptions good sir, and refrain from busting a cap in my ass...good day.

9-27-2008 @ 03:37:10 AM
Posted By : wannabemustangjockey  Reply | Edit | Del
#12, The biggest Manilow fan I've ever met is of Chinese descent. Just thought I'd throw that out.

9-27-2008 @ 03:51:13 AM
Posted By : Subourbon187 Reply | Edit | Del
#13, Well, I don't really know any Manilow fans...but I was right with the Caucasian thing wasn't I?

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