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Final Stats:

Total Votes 276
Average Score 8.38
Verdict Rice

Picture Information
URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=15920
Submitted by: Jurrell
Comments: 32  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 2  (View)
Submitted on: 12-11-2002
View Stats Category: Car
Nissan Skyline!


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12-11-2002 @ 11:29:15 AM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
Someone is welding near that skyline!

12-11-2002 @ 11:54:33 AM
Posted By : SuperDave479 Reply | Edit | Del
I'm trying to bring myself to hate it but can't. I'm not going soft am I?

12-11-2002 @ 01:22:32 PM
Posted By : Jesuz Reply | Edit | Del
is this the R&R 2 one? (rice and the rediculous)

12-11-2002 @ 01:40:23 PM
Posted By : solid_snake Reply | Edit | Del
at the risk of being flamed I think that neons CAN look good sometimes

12-11-2002 @ 01:42:58 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
#4, This, of course, not being one of them. This car is OOG-LAY.

12-11-2002 @ 01:46:44 PM
Posted By : solid_snake Reply | Edit | Del
#5, it's not that bad, just vanilla rice: bad graphics, low-profile tires etc........

12-11-2002 @ 02:03:29 PM
Posted By : blackcat77 Reply | Edit | Del
Skylines are performance cars and performance cars don't need that sort of b---s---! It's pretty bad when you've got a good car and then pretend to be a poseur...

12-11-2002 @ 02:10:36 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
im with #2 and #4

12-11-2002 @ 02:13:05 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
#7 "b---s---!" i know we're supposed to fill in the blanks, but this is ridiculous...what word starts with a b, has an s in the middle, and end with an exclamation point ??

12-11-2002 @ 02:13:55 PM
Posted By : Skid Reply | Edit | Del
The worst part of it to me is that damn wing.

12-11-2002 @ 02:15:24 PM
Posted By : solid_snake Reply | Edit | Del
#10, it's big enough stock

12-11-2002 @ 02:17:07 PM
Posted By : kstagger Reply | Edit | Del
#9 - BileSwim!

12-11-2002 @ 02:21:54 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del

12-11-2002 @ 02:24:15 PM
Posted By : solid_snake Reply | Edit | Del
I wouldn't have put neons on the inside though

12-11-2002 @ 03:10:23 PM
Posted By : blackcat77 Reply | Edit | Del
#9, Excuse me. I'm not feeling particularly explicit today...

12-11-2002 @ 03:11:02 PM
Posted By : StillRuns Reply | Edit | Del

12-11-2002 @ 06:52:01 PM
Posted By : SuperDave479 Reply | Edit | Del
#9, um bullshit maybe? Hmm.

12-11-2002 @ 10:38:42 PM
Posted By : Kakoriat Reply | Edit | Del
I HATE rich riceboys!!!

1-25-2003 @ 11:19:48 PM
Posted By : 427 Vette Reply | Edit | Del
woah small ass tires

2-20-2003 @ 09:26:06 AM
Posted By : mr_mcmunkee Reply | Edit | Del
What tires?

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