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URL: http://riceornot.ricecop.com/?auto=26122
Submitted by: kstagger
Comments: 17  (Read/Post)     Favorites: 0  (View)
Submitted on: 08-07-2003
View Stats Category: Car
Chrysler Sebring with bodykit, etc


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8-07-2003 @ 02:21:00 PM
Posted By : CraZeeF00 Reply | Edit | Del
isn't that a dodge avenger?

8-07-2003 @ 02:23:52 PM
Posted By : fordtacomaz Reply | Edit | Del
#1, same thing, different badging

8-07-2003 @ 02:25:37 PM
Posted By : DiRF  Reply | Edit | Del
#1, Actually, I believe this IS a Sebring, with an Avenger-style bodykit...seen Sebrings done up like this before, pretty fucking stupid.

8-07-2003 @ 05:34:10 PM
Posted By : ambientFLIER Reply | Edit | Del
it would be allright with a subtle spoiler and a painted hood

8-07-2003 @ 08:53:21 PM
Posted By : Jurrell Reply | Edit | Del
I think it's a Avenger, only the Avenger had black headlights, the sebring had Chrome ones. Unless the dude, switched headlights or something.

8-07-2003 @ 09:05:54 PM
Posted By : kstagger Reply | Edit | Del
it twaz a cardomain car under the Sebring group - who knows.

8-07-2003 @ 09:07:54 PM
Posted By : Lemming Reply | Edit | Del
#6, And who really cares? The Sebring and Avenger of the time were just examples of "badge engineering", weren't they? In other words, there really was no huge technical difference between the cars, just a little bit of trim and some accessories?

6-25-2005 @ 01:11:40 PM
Posted By : 89Rettagt Reply | Edit | Del
this is a rice neighborhood, look at the right, looks like a riced eclipse.

1-27-2007 @ 11:06:07 AM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
Sebring. The side gives it away.

1-27-2007 @ 11:39:48 AM
Posted By : Driven_out Reply | Edit | Del
sebring taillights

1-27-2007 @ 11:44:26 AM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
#7, Not I. Okay maybe about 0.01% of me cares.

[Edited by Adambomb on 1-27-2007 @ 11:45:04 AM]

2-27-2007 @ 04:46:33 PM
Posted By : wannabemustangjockey  Reply | Edit | Del
The Sebring coupes were always ugly. I can't remember the last time I saw one that wasn't beige or grey, and they all break the front fascia running into curbs. Put a more tasteful spoiler on it, lose that side skirt and the decals, and paint it all one color and I'd drive this one.

2-27-2007 @ 04:48:18 PM
Posted By : Biohazard Reply | Edit | Del
#12, I still wouldn't. I personally have seen 2 Seabrings on fire. My friend saw another one on fire. I don't know what it is, but thats a pattern. The only other car I have ever seen on fire was a bus, and that doesn't count :-P

The new ones are ugly too...

2-27-2007 @ 04:51:31 PM
Posted By : wannabemustangjockey  Reply | Edit | Del
#13, I watched a Colt Vista burn once, but I haven't seen any Sebrings on fire. Hell, even Gallardos and F430s are prone to engine fires.

2-27-2007 @ 04:53:29 PM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
#14, seen a toyota van on fire in Lawrence, and my friend's Contour caught fire in a parking lot once. This doesn't count but for grad we lit a Corsica on fire interior first.

2-27-2007 @ 07:55:31 PM
Posted By : Adambomb Reply | Edit | Del
#14, I remember a few years back seeing an 86-88 Buick Century on fire and a few months later a Dodge Van with a bunch of black guys standing under an overpass. I also admit to getting a hard on from car wrecks, unless someone was killed of course. My mom also saw a bus on fire coming back from Foxwoods once. I think it was one of those Fung Wah busses that always seem to be crashing/exploding/getting sucked into black holes.

[Edited by Adambomb on 2-27-2007 @ 07:58:08 PM]

2-27-2007 @ 07:59:28 PM
Posted By : ricerocketboy Reply | Edit | Del
#16, www.crashfetish.com. Gruesome shit. I also like car wrecks. For some reason they have always fascinated me.

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