#780, heh nice crash...they should have done it with two muscle cars...they would have a few scratches on them, and the driver would have been molded into the dash/wheel
[Edited by ambientFLIER on 10-11-2005 @ 01:17:42 AM]
Two videos that prove once againa that old Ladas are cool, no matter what some of you say: http://balazsocsi.hu/videok/LADA_21074.wmv http://balazsocsi.hu/videok/lada21074_2.wmv
The second one has some stupid techno soundtrack... oh well. It's especially worth noting how the car behaves on autoX-like stages: pure beauty, almost like a dance...
#798, Well gee, the engine's starting to shake really badly... I know what'll solve that! Rev it up even higher!
...all those people with camera phones annoyed the hell out of me in that video. Get a freaking videocamera that can take movies you can actually make out like the guy that made the video on dumpalink.
...and the choice of music at the end was wonderful ^_^
#798, Well, the wing didn't burn down...
And what king of stupid motherfucker builds a car with nothing separating the engine and the driver?
BTW the car didn't sound too healthy while being manouvered around... like it was about to stall all the time.